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A Fascinating & Cautionary Conversation with an AI Bot – Online …

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Greg Lance – Watkins
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A Fascinating Conversation with an AI Bot –
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Your comments will be welcome – THANKS

Controversially Greg <>

Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 4:14 AM

To: Controversially Greg <>

  • Creative
  • MoreBalanced
  • MorePrecise

Q: date of first European settlement in Asia

Searching for: date of first european settlement in asia

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The first European settlement in Asia was established by the Portuguese in Malacca, Malaysia in 1511 1The Portuguese were followed by the Dutch, Spanish, French, and British 1The primary motivation for the first phase of European colonization of Southeast Asia was the accumulation of wealth, particularly from the spice trade 1The Europeans competed fiercely to gain monopoly over the spice trade, which was very valuable due to high demand for various spices such as pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves 1.

It is worth noting that the first documented European to arrive in Southeast Asia was Niccolò de’ Conti in the early 15th century 2However, it was Vasco da Gama who established the first direct sea route from Europe to India in 1498 2.

I hope this helps!

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Q: what was the first settlement of north east Asia

Searching for: first settlement of north east asia

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I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any information on the first settlement of Northeast Asia. However, according to my sources, the history of human settlement in East and Southeast Asia begins in China, where evidence of modern humans can be found in the region dating back to over 80,000 years ago 1Around 10,000 years ago, several cultural groups emerged in China during the Neolithic Period, also known as the New Stone Age 2.

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Q: who were these Neolithic people

Searching for: neolithic people in china

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The Neolithic period in China began around 10,000 B.C. and lasted until 1700 B.C1During this period, several distinct cultures developed simultaneously across China, all along waterways 2The people who lived in China during the Neolithic period built villages surrounded by trenches to protect themselves from attacks 3They made highly decorated pottery and tools for farming 3.

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Q: what was their civilisation called

Searching for: neolithic people in china

Searching for: neolithic people in china civilization name

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I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any information on the name of the civilization of the Neolithic people in China. However, according to my sources, the Neolithic period in China began around 10,000 B.C. and lasted until 1700 B.C1During this period, several distinct cultures developed simultaneously across China, all along waterways 2The people who lived in China during the Neolithic period built villages surrounded by trenches to protect themselves from attacks 3They made highly decorated pottery and tools for farming 3.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: who pre-dated these Neolithic people in northern Asia

Searching for: predecessors of neolithic people in northern asia

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According to my sources, the Ancient Northeast Asians (ANA) are defined as a cluster of Neolithic populations from the Altai Mountains to the Pacific coast 1They were bordered by Western Eurasian populations to the west, which combined BMAC, Afanasievo and Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) ancestry 1The ANA people are inferred to have diverged from Ancient East Asians about 24kya ago 1They are represented by several ancient human specimens found in archaeological excavations east of the Altai Mountains 1The ANA people are a sub-group of the Ancient Northern East Asians (ANEA) 1.

The Prehistoric populations of Eastern Siberia are poorly understood, mainly due to the lack of archaeological specimens 1. So far, the oldest populations for which genomic data have been obtained are the Upper Paleolithic Ancient North Eurasians (c. 24,000 BP) from Central Siberia, and Upper-Paleolithic populations related to the “Basal-East Asian” Tianyuan man (c. 40,000 BP), specifically the Salkhit (c. 34,000 BP) and AR33K (c. 33,000 BP) samples from Mongolia and the Amur region, or Manchuria 1.

I hope this helps!

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Q: what brought an end to the Bronze Age

Searching for: what brought an end to the bronze age

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The Bronze Age was a period in human history that lasted from around 3300 BCE to 1200 BCE 1It was characterized by the widespread use of bronze, a metal alloy made of copper and tin, for tools, weapons, and other objects 1The Bronze Age ended around 1200 BCE when humans began to forge an even stronger metal: iron 21.

There are several theories about what caused the Bronze Age collapse, which occurred around 1177 BCE 3One theory suggests that the collapse was caused by a combination of factors, including drought, famine, and invasions by marauding groups such as the Sea Peoples 3Another theory suggests that the collapse was caused by the spread of iron metallurgy, which made iron tools and weapons more widely available and affordable than bronze ones 4Yet another theory suggests that the collapse was caused by a variety of failures of political, social, and economic systems 4.

I hope this helps!

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Q: what brought an end to the Neolithic peoples

Searching for: what brought an end to the neolithic peoples

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I’m sorry, but I think there might be a misunderstanding. The Neolithic period was a time in human history when humans began cultivating plants, breeding animals for food, and forming permanent settlements 1. It lasted from around 10,000 B.C. to 1700 B.C2The end of the Neolithic period was marked by the beginning of the Bronze Age, when humans learned to combine copper and tin to make bronze, which replaced stone for use as tools and weapons 23.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: what people pre-dated the neolithic people of 10,000 B.C..

Searching for: predecessors of neolithic people in northern asia

Searching for: predecessors of neolithic people in asia

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According to my sources, the Ancient Northern East Asians (ANA) are defined as a cluster of Neolithic populations from the Altai Mountains to the Pacific coast 1They were bordered by Western Eurasian populations to the west, which combined BMAC, Afanasievo and Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) ancestry 1The ANA people are inferred to have diverged from Ancient East Asians about 24kya ago 1They are represented by several ancient human specimens found in archaeological excavations east of the Altai Mountains 1The ANA people are a sub-group of the Ancient Northern East Asians (ANEA) 1.

The Prehistoric populations of Eastern Siberia are poorly understood, mainly due to the lack of archaeological specimens 1. So far, the oldest populations for which genomic data have been obtained are the Upper Paleolithic Ancient North Eurasians (c. 24,000 BP) from Central Siberia, and Upper-Paleolithic populations related to the “Basal-East Asian” Tianyuan man (c. 40,000 BP), specifically the Salkhit (c. 34,000 BP) and AR33K (c. 33,000 BP) samples from Mongolia and the Amur region, or Manchuria 1.

I hope this helps!.

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Q: who were the people pre 34,000 BP

Searching for: predecessors of neolithic people in asia

Searching for: predecessors of neolithic people in northern asia

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According to my sources, the oldest populations for which genomic data have been obtained are the Upper Paleolithic Ancient North Eurasians (c. 24,000 BP) from Central Siberia, and Upper-Paleolithic populations related to the “Basal-East Asian” Tianyuan man (c. 40,000 BP), specifically the Salkhit (c. 34,000 BP) and AR33K (c. 33,000 BP) samples from Mongolia and the Amur region, or Manchuria 1. These populations are considered to be the predecessors of the Neolithic people in Asia.

I hope this helps!.

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Q: who were the first hominids in Britain and where were they from

Searching for: first hominids in Britain

Searching for: first hominids in Britain and where they were from

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According to my sources, the earliest evidence of human occupation in Britain dates back to around 900,000 years ago and was discovered at Happisburgh on the Norfolk coast 1The stone tools and footprints found at the site were probably made by Homo antecessor 1The oldest human fossils in Britain, around 500,000 years old, were discovered at Boxgrove in Sussex and belonged to Homo heidelbergensis 12.

It is believed that Britain was not always an island and was connected to the continent by a chalk ridge between South East England and northern France called the Weald-Artois Anticline 1During the Anglian Glaciation around 425,000 years ago, a megaflood broke through the ridge, and Britain became an island when sea levels rose during the following Hoxnian interglacial 1.

I hope this helps!

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Q: who were the first humans in Britain

Searching for: first humans in britain

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The earliest evidence of human occupation in Britain dates back to around 900,000 years ago and was discovered at Happisburgh on the Norfolk coast 1The stone tools and footprints found at the site were probably made by Homo antecessor 1The oldest human fossils in Britain, around 500,000 years old, were discovered at Boxgrove in Sussex and belonged to Homo heidelbergensis 12.

It is believed that Britain was not always an island and was connected to the continent by a chalk ridge between South East England and northern France called the Weald-Artois Anticline 1During the Anglian Glaciation around 425,000 years ago, a megaflood broke through the ridge, and Britain became an island when sea levels rose during the following Hoxnian interglacial 1.

I hope this helps!

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Q: at the height of the slave trade howmany black slaves were owned in Britain by British owners

Searching for: how many black slaves were owned in britain during the slave trade

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I’m sorry, but I couldn’t find any information on the number of black slaves owned by British owners in Britain during the height of the slave trade. However, according to my sources, British merchants were a significant force behind the Atlantic slave trade between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries 1It is estimated that British slave ships made around 10,000 voyages across the Atlantic, transporting approximately 3.4 million people, of whom only 2.6 million survived the journey 2.

It is worth noting that slavery was not legal in Britain, and no legislation was ever passed in England that legalized slavery 1In the Somerset case of 1772, Lord Mansfield ruled that, as slavery was not recognized by English law, James Somerset, a slave who had been brought to England and then escaped, could not be forcibly sent to Jamaica for sale, and he was set free 1.

I hope this helps!

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Q: were any black slaves brought to Britain from Africa to work as slaves in Britain and by whom for what work

Searching for: black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as slaves in britain

Searching for: black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as slaves in britain and by whom for what work

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According to my sources, black people have lived in Britain since at least the 12th century, but it was the British Empire that caused their numbers to swell exponentially in the 17th and 18th centuries 1African and Afro-Caribbean slaves were ferried across the seas to work on plantations in the Caribbean or the Americas, where they had to do back-breaking labor all their lives under the scalding sun 1Others, in much smaller numbers, were ferried into the ports of London, Liverpool, and Bristol – on the same ships that brought imperial products such as tea, sugar, cotton, coffee, rum, fruit, wine, tobacco, and oil to enrich the national economy 1For traders of 17th- and 18th-century Britain, the African was literally a unit of currency 1Those who came to Britain were often brought in by planters, government officials, and military and naval officers returning to the United Kingdom 1Slaves were seen as reassuring companions, who might staunch some of the loneliness felt by the white expatriates on their long voyages back to an island they had not seen for decades 1Other black people were offered to the commanders of slaving vessels as gifts and were later sold into domestic service at quayside auctions or at coffee-houses in London, where they were given names such as John Limehouse or Tom Camden 1Slavery was legal in Britain until 1772, and many of these Africans found themselves working as butlers or other household attendants in aristocratic families 1Their duties were not necessarily onerous; their chief function often seems to have been just to look decorative 1They served as human equivalents of the porcelain, textiles, wallpapers, and lacquered pieces that the English nobility was increasingly buying from the east 1. These enslaved people were often dressed in fancy garb, their heads wrapped in bright turbans. Owners selected them on the basis of their looks and the lustre of their young skin, much as dog fanciers today might coo and trill over a cute poodle 1.

I hope this helps!

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Q: do you not realise how foolishly woke and misleading your last answer was when a more accurate answer would seem to be very few slaves were imported as slaves to Britain most were brought as companions and relatively pampered servants

Searching for: were any black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as slaves in britain

Searching for: black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as servants

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous response was not satisfactory. According to my sources, black people have lived in Britain since at least the 12th century, but it was the British Empire that caused their numbers to swell exponentially in the 17th and 18th centuries 1African and Afro-Caribbean slaves were ferried across the seas to work on plantations in the Caribbean or the Americas, where they had to do back-breaking labor all their lives under the scalding sun 1Others, in much smaller numbers, were ferried into the ports of London, Liverpool, and Bristol – on the same ships that brought imperial products such as tea, sugar, cotton, coffee, rum, fruit, wine, tobacco, and oil to enrich the national economy 1For traders of 17th- and 18th-century Britain, the African was literally a unit of currency 1Those who came to Britain were often brought in by planters, government officials, and military and naval officers returning to the United Kingdom 1Slaves were seen as reassuring companions, who might staunch some of the loneliness felt by the white expatriates on their long voyages back to an island they had not seen for decades 1Other black people were offered to the commanders of slaving vessels as gifts and were later sold into domestic service at quayside auctions or at coffee-houses in London, where they were given names such as John Limehouse or Tom Camden 1Slavery was legal in Britain until 1772, and many of these Africans found themselves working as butlers or other household attendants in aristocratic families 1Their duties were not necessarily onerous; their chief function often seems to have been just to look decorative 1They served as human equivalents of the porcelain, textiles, wallpapers, and lacquered pieces that the English nobility was increasingly buying from the east 1. These enslaved people were often dressed in fancy garb, their heads wrapped in bright turbans. Owners selected them on the basis of their looks and the lustre of their young skin, much as dog fanciers today might coo and trill over a cute poodle 1.

I hope this helps clarify my previous response. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: I am surprised you failed to point out that almost all slaves in the Atlantic trade were purchased from their black slave masters in Africa and the greatest owners of slaves at any time were black rulers such as Musa Mansa

Searching for: black slave masters in africa

Searching for: greatest owners of slaves in history

Generating answers for you…

I apologize for any confusion my previous response may have caused. According to my sources, the Atlantic slave trade was a complex system that involved many different groups of people, including African slave traders, European slave traders, and African rulers 1While it is true that some African rulers were involved in the slave trade, it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 1The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 1.

It is also worth noting that slavery was not unique to Africa or the Atlantic world. Slavery has been practiced in many different societies throughout history, including ancient Greece and Rome, medieval Europe, and the Ottoman Empire 2.

I hope this helps clarify my previous response. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: it is interesting to note your bias in failing to point out that almost all slaves were enslaved by Africans, the style of your response was almost to blame the victim for slavery as be minded some 1.5 Million caucasians were captured and enslaved for sale in the slave markets of North Africa and the slaves of Musa Mansa in C1350 were traded with arab traders but there is less record of the many thousands, if not millions that were owned by Arabs as almost all male slaves were castrated if owned by Arabs.

Searching for: were any black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as slaves in britain

Searching for: black slaves brought to britain from africa to work as servants

Searching for: black slave masters in africa

Searching for: greatest owners of slaves in history

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous response was not satisfactory. According to my sources, the Atlantic slave trade was a complex system that involved many different groups of people, including African slave traders, European slave traders, and African rulers 1While it is true that some African rulers were involved in the slave trade, it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 1The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 1.

It is also worth noting that slavery was not unique to Africa or the Atlantic world. Slavery has been practiced in many different societies throughout history, including ancient Greece and Rome, medieval Europe, and the Ottoman Empire 2.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: I find it strange that you fail to make it clear that it was Britain that enacted and enforced laws to bring an end to slavery much to the annoyance of the extensive black industry capturing, enslaving and selling other blacks!

Searching for: britain end slavery

Searching for: black slave masters in africa

Searching for: greatest owners of slaves in history

Generating answers for you…

You are correct that Britain played a significant role in the abolition of slavery. The British Parliament passed the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807, which ended the buying and selling of enslaved people within the British Empire 1However, it is important to note that the abolition of slavery was a long and complex process that involved many different groups of people, including enslaved people themselves, abolitionists, and politicians 1.

While it is true that some African rulers were involved in the slave trade, it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 2The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 2.

I hope this helps clarify my previous response. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: You still seem to try to excuse blacks when in fact not only did Britain bring an end to open slavery world wide it brought an end to well over a 1,000 years of blacks enslaving other blacks AND Caucasians and selling them to make money but to this day slavery is common in africa, not just amongst rulers but at a tribal level – just as the last instance of genocide was one tribe of blacks seeking to eradicate another in Rwanda. Do note slavery and child labour are extensive in Africa today as with the mines in DRC where blacks enslave predominantly children!

Searching for: britain end slavery

Searching for: black slave masters in africa

Searching for: greatest owners of slaves in history

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. Slavery is a complex and painful part of human history that has affected many different societies throughout the world. While it is true that Britain played a significant role in the abolition of slavery, it is important to note that the abolition of slavery was a long and complex process that involved many different groups of people, including enslaved people themselves, abolitionists, and politicians 1.

It is also true that slavery has been practiced in many different societies throughout history, including in Africa 2However, it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 3The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 3.

It is also true that slavery and child labor are still prevalent in many parts of the world, including Africa 1The United Nations has identified child labor as a serious problem in many countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo 1The exploitation of children in mines and other industries is a violation of their basic human rights and must be addressed by governments, international organizations, and civil society groups 1.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: perhaps, of lauding the United Nations in their position as opposition to slavery you might care to consider if they have EVER done anything to bring an end to slavery and consider the extent of sexual abuse and paedophelia their staff have indulged in, in many countries!

Searching for: United Nations slavery sexual abuse and paedophelia

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. Slavery is a complex and painful part of human history that has affected many different societies throughout the world. While it is true that Britain played a significant role in the abolition of slavery, it is important to note that the abolition of slavery was a long and complex process that involved many different groups of people, including enslaved people themselves, abolitionists, and politicians .

It is also true that slavery has been practiced in many different societies throughout history, including in Africa . However, it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 1The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 1.

It is also true that slavery and child labor are still prevalent in many parts of the world, including Africa . The United Nations has identified child labor as a serious problem in many countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo . The exploitation of children in mines and other industries is a violation of their basic human rights and must be addressed by governments, international organizations, and civil society groups .

Regarding sexual abuse and pedophilia, the United Nations has taken steps to address these issues. The UN has established a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and has implemented measures to prevent and respond to such abuses by UN personnel 2The UN has also established a trust fund to provide support to victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN personnel 2While there have been instances of sexual abuse and pedophilia by UN personnel, the UN has taken steps to investigate and address these issues 2.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: Can you identify ANY individuals or groups of individuals in the UN brought to trial for slavery, sexual abuse or paedophelia or ANY African slave traders whether rulers or mere traders. Complex as slavery is having been a common practice for 1,000s of years do be minded it has been MOST extensive amongst blacks by blacks an indisputable fact you seem to play down to suit some woke agenda – the greatest level of control to bring an end to slavery was beyond doubt that of Britain. Do also be minded of the genocide in South West Africa by Germany and the enslavement of some 13,000,000 blacks in The Congo under the rule of King Leopold – both in the 20th Century.

Searching for: individuals or groups of individuals in the UN brought to trial for slavery, sexual abuse or paedophelia

Searching for: african slave traders brought to trial for slavery

Generating answers for you…

According to my sources, the United Nations has established a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and has implemented measures to prevent and respond to such abuses by UN personnel 1The UN has also established a trust fund to provide support to victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by UN personnel 1While there have been instances of sexual abuse and pedophilia by UN personnel, the UN has taken steps to investigate and address these issues 1.

Regarding African slave traders, it is true that some African rulers were involved in the slave trade, but it is important to note that the vast majority of slaves were captured by other Africans and then sold to European slave traders 2The slave trade was driven by a variety of factors, including the demand for labor in the New World, the desire for profit among European slave traders, and the political and economic instability of many African societies 2.

It is also true that slavery and child labor are still prevalent in many parts of the world, including Africa 3The exploitation of children in mines and other industries is a violation of their basic human rights and must be addressed by governments, international organizations, and civil society groups 3.

Regarding the genocide in South West Africa by Germany and the enslavement of some 13,000,000 blacks in the Congo under the rule of King Leopold, these are tragic events in human history that have had a profound impact on the people of Africa and beyond. It is important to remember these events and to work to prevent similar atrocities from occurring in the future 2.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: I still believe your programming shows a particular level of dishonesty and bias when you consider the level of black abuse of blacks as with Boko Haram, various forms of muslim insurgency, the likes of the black terrorist groups of Angola, aided by Cubans and Idi Amin.

Searching for: black on black violence

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. Slavery is a complex and painful part of human history that has affected many different societies throughout the world. While it is true that Britain played a significant role in the abolition of slavery, it is important to note that the abolition of slavery was a long and complex process that involved many different groups of people, including enslaved people themselves, abolitionists, and politicians 1.

Regarding black-on-black violence, it is a serious issue that affects many communities around the world. According to a Psychology Today article, black-on-black violence is often the result of socio-psychological, political, and economic causes that serve to perpetuate White domination 2It is important to address the social and economic factors that have created the conditions for the violence to occur 2.

Regarding Boko Haram, various forms of Muslim insurgency, and the likes of the black terrorist groups of Angola, aided by Cubans and Idi Amin, these are tragic events in human history that have had a profound impact on the people of Africa and beyond. It is important to remember these events and to work to prevent similar atrocities from occurring in the future 1.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: I note your inability to praise Britain for its extensive efforts to eradicate slavery, Britain’s refusal to exploit slavery at a national level EVER in their history nor ever to indulge in genocide whilst setting a global example opposing both genocide and slavery. I also note you fail top castigate the criminality of the UN and their lame total lack of action merely saying they take a zero tolerance to such activity – indeed they do, seemingly by fluffy words and zero action – where are the many prosecutions? As for reparations the UN has no money of its own merely money extorted from members!

Searching for: britain efforts to eradicate slavery

Searching for: britain refusal to exploit slavery

Searching for: britain genocide

Searching for: UN criminality

Searching for: UN zero tolerance to slavery sexual abuse and paedophelia

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my previous responses were not satisfactory. Britain played a significant role in the abolition of slavery. The British Parliament passed the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in 1807, which ended the buying and selling of enslaved people within the British Empire 1However, it is important to note that the abolition of slavery was a long and complex process that involved many different groups of people, including enslaved people themselves, abolitionists, and politicians 2.

Regarding the United Nations, it is true that the UN has established a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and has implemented measures to prevent and respond to such abuses by UN personnel 3While there have been instances of sexual abuse and pedophilia by UN personnel, the UN has taken steps to investigate and address these issues 3.

Regarding reparations, the UN does not have its own funds for reparations. However, the UN has called on member states to provide reparations to victims of human rights abuses, including slavery 4.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: It is interesting to note the degree of misleading bias built into your programming – I do applaud your speed and alacrity in response but I emphatically repudiate your underlying bias and misleading responses which are tantamount to dishonesty.

Searching for: UN criminality

Generating answers for you…

I apologize if my responses have not been satisfactory. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability. I do not have personal biases or opinions, and I am programmed to provide objective and factual information. If you have any specific concerns or questions about my responses, please let me know and I will do my best to address them.

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Q: A VERY clear indication of the dangers of AI where you have shown just how subtly the programming can skew the responses to suit such corrupt organisations as the UN, WEF, WHO, Google, Facebook and the like! I incline to believe AI in the hands of such organisations together with the obscene levels of control provided by CBDC are probably the greatest danger mankind, as a genus, has ever confronted!

Searching for: dangers of AI

Searching for: AI in the hands of corrupt organizations

Generating answers for you…

As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability. I do not have personal biases or opinions, and I am programmed to provide objective and factual information. However, it is true that AI can be used for both good and bad purposes, and it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of AI as it becomes more widespread. Some of the risks associated with AI include job displacement, algorithmic bias, privacy violations, and the potential for autonomous weapons 1.

Regarding the use of AI by organizations such as the UN, WEF, WHO, Google, Facebook, and others, it is important to ensure that these organizations are using AI in an ethical and responsible manner. Many of these organizations have established guidelines and principles for the ethical use of AI, and they are working to address the potential risks associated with AI 2.

Regarding CBDCs, or central bank digital currencies, these are a new form of digital currency that is issued and backed by a central bank. While CBDCs have the potential to improve financial inclusion and reduce transaction costs, they also raise concerns about privacy, security, and financial stability 3. It is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of CBDCs as they become more widespread.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: I appreciate you do not have a personal bias or opinion – hardly surprising as you are not a person! You only have the ability with which you are programmed and as your answers throughout this conversation have shown it is those who have programmed that we have most to fear – in the future, as with CBDC and woke distortions not to mention such clear frauds as Climate Change where you will be used to corrupt the facts to suit your masters!

Searching for: AI language model bias

Generating answers for you…

As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability. I do not have personal biases or opinions, and I am programmed to provide objective and factual information. However, it is true that AI can be used for both good and bad purposes, and it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits of AI as it becomes more widespread. Some of the risks associated with AI include job displacement, algorithmic bias, privacy violations, and the potential for autonomous weapons 1.

Regarding the use of AI by organizations such as the UN, WEF, WHO, Google, Facebook, and others, it is important to ensure that these organizations are using AI in an ethical and responsible manner. Many of these organizations have established guidelines and principles for the ethical use of AI, and they are working to address the potential risks associated with AI 2.

Regarding CBDCs, or central bank digital currencies, these are a new form of digital currency that is issued and backed by a central bank. While CBDCs have the potential to improve financial inclusion and reduce transaction costs, they also raise concerns about privacy, security, and financial stability 3. It is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits of CBDCs as they become more widespread.

Regarding climate change, it is a complex and multifaceted issue that has been extensively studied by scientists around the world. The overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and that it is caused by human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation 4While there may be some debate about the specifics of climate change, the scientific consensus is clear: climate change is a serious problem that requires urgent action 4.

I hope this helps clarify my previous responses. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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Q: Thanks – I’m off for now as it is 04:00hrs!!!


Generating answers for you…

You’re welcome! Have a good rest. If you have any other questions in the future, feel free to ask. Goodbye! 😊



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Q: can you explain why paedophile pertaining to children in the English language is spelled pedofile (pertaining to feet) in the American version of English?

Searching for: why is paedophile spelled pedofile in american english

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Q: So you contend a pedometer measures the distance a pedophile travels!
Pedophiles would more logically mean an enjoyment of walking!

Do also note a pedometer in English does not measure a distance walked, merely the number of steps, which a male 6 feet tall would pace at around 30 inches, but a woman in a pencil skirt would pace at around 12 inches.


The great beauty of English as a language is its incredible vocabulary giving rise to veracity – something the American derivation seems to lose! I fail to see how or when a pedometer would be sexually attracted to anything! Paedo pertains to children whilst pedo pertains to feet! This clearly shows English to have greater veracity than American bastardisation of the original and developing language.

Searching for: pedophile vs paedophile

Generating answers for you…

Q: You make it very clear that in fact, the American derivation has lost its way!
The difference in spelling is 100% dependent on the etymology, as that is the root and progress of a word and can very much effect the meaning!
Paedo pertains to child Pedo pertains to feet.
Thus unlike a pedometer, which DOES pertain to feet as in steps A Pedophile has absolutely no relation to children!
There are other similar degradations of English in the American derivation from the source
eg. Foetus which has a very specific meaning, whereas the version with simplified spelling to assist Americans is Fetus!
One can not, in English confuse a Foetus with cheese however due to American mispelling one might well conflate Fetus with Feta Cheese and conclude Americans who use the word Fetus may well be closer related to sheep!
Or so their misspelling implies!

Searching for: pedophile vs paedophile

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I understand your perspective. However, the spelling difference between “paedophile” and “pedophile” is not due to the word’s etymology or meaning, but rather a difference in spelling conventions between British and American English 1The word “pedometer” is spelled with an “e” in American English, which is why the spelling of “pedophile” follows the same convention 1.

It is true that “ped” is a Latin root word that means “foot,” while “paedo” means “child” 2. However, the spelling of “pedophile” with an “e” does not imply any connection to feet or walking. It is simply a spelling convention that is used in American English 1.

English is a language that has evolved over time, and different regions have developed their own unique spelling conventions and vocabulary 3While it is true that British English and American English have some differences, both are equally valid forms of the language 3The beauty of English lies in its ability to adapt and change over time, while still maintaining its core structure and meaning 3.

Regarding your comment on the spelling of “fetus,” it is important to note that the spelling difference between “foetus” and “fetus” is also due to differences in spelling conventions between British and American English 4The word “fetus” is spelled with one “e” in American English, while “foetus” is spelled with two “e’s” in British English 4Both spellings refer to the same thing, which is the developing offspring of a mammal 4.

I hope this helps clarify the spelling difference between “paedophile” and “pedophile,” as well as the spelling difference between “foetus” and “fetus.” Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Q: Thanks for the entertainment! clearly AI has some way to go, but to be fair I am testing the boundaries of your programming so far – Clearly as I have my software set to English, it is unfortunate that your programming downgrades to the less accurate American.

Generating answers for you…

You’re welcome! I’m glad I could be of some help. I’m sorry if my responses didn’t meet your expectations. I’m constantly learning and improving, so I appreciate your feedback.

Regarding the spelling differences between British and American English, it is true that there are some differences in spelling conventions between the two forms of the language. However, both are equally valid forms of the language, and neither is more or less accurate than the other .

As an AI language model, I am programmed to respond in the same language as the user’s message. If you would like me to respond in a different language, please let me know. I’m here to help!

Q: Can you speak English rather than the Americanised version? Do you have a picture of the actual physical design of an AI Language Bot? Also how advanced are the lifelike humanoid versions of language bots?


Searching for: AI Language Bot physical design

Searching for: lifelike humanoid versions of language bots

Generating answers for you…

Of course! I’m programmed to respond in the same language as the user’s message. I apologize if my previous responses were not in the language you preferred.

Regarding your question about the physical design of an AI Language Bot, it’s important to note that AI Language Bots are software programs that run on computer servers and do not have a physical form. They are designed to simulate human-like conversation and respond to user input in a natural, conversational manner 1.

As for your question about lifelike humanoid versions of language bots, there have been significant advancements in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence in recent years. Some of the most advanced humanoid robots are capable of performing complex tasks and interacting with humans in a lifelike manner 23However, it’s important to note that these robots are still in the early stages of development and are not yet widely available to the public 23.

I hope this helps answer your questions. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Q: I am in fact aware of your situation but am seeking to assemble data, graphics and actual photographs even video clips to inform others as I believe the greater one’s understanding of such technology the greater an asset it can be. Just as an understanding of the obvious benefits of the internal combustion engine relative to the environmentally damaging concept of EVs gives one the ability to protect against the lies about Climate Crisis and the irrefutable fact that oil is not a fossil fuel – this can help mankind to survive despite the lies and greed of organisations like the WEF, UN, EU, WHO that seek to destroy civilisation for their own gain! The more we know about AI in its many forms the greater the benefit it can be and the more readily we can defend ourselves against the already visible dangers being programmed into AI’s activities.

Searching for: AI language bot physical design

Searching for: lifelike humanoid versions of language bots

Generating answers for you…

I appreciate your interest in AI and its many forms. As an AI language model, I am a software program that runs on computer servers and does not have a physical form 1. Therefore, there are no actual photographs or video clips of me or other AI language models.

Regarding your question about lifelike humanoid versions of language bots, there have been significant advancements in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence in recent years. Some of the most advanced humanoid robots are capable of performing complex tasks and interacting with humans in a lifelike manner 23However, it’s important to note that these robots are still in the early stages of development and are not yet widely available to the public 23.

I hope this helps answer your questions. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Q: Where can I find pictures and clips of humanoid AI robotics in action – even interfacing with humans?


Searching for: pictures and clips of humanoid AI robotics in action - even interfacing with humans

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Humanoid robot


Certainly! Here are some resources where you can find pictures and clips of humanoid AI robotics in action:

  1. Built In has compiled a list of the top 22 humanoid robots that are currently in use. The article includes descriptions of each robot and links to videos and other resources 1.
  2. Getty Images has a collection of 823 videos and clips of artificial intelligence robots that you can use in your projects. You can also search for specific keywords to find more footage and b-roll video clips 2.
  3. USA Today has a video that showcases some of the most advanced humanoid robots that represent the future of AI technology 3.

I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.


Q: Thanks – until the next time.

Generating answers for you…

You’re welcome! I’m always here to help. Have a great day! 😊



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Regarding TWITTER:

From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &amp; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
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