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It is clearly not just The Racism of Meghan on the Make & the Take! Islam is on the march to a new uma & wider caliphate! …


Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins
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As yet it has not been announced whether Meghan, the current wife of Prince Henry (Harry) was an Ashanti or a Musa, both of which tribes were amongst the greatest slave traders in Africa or if her family had the good fortune to be bought from their brutal black slave masters and deported to a better life and the enrichment and much longer life in eventual liberty in America or the Caribbean.


Akin in outcome to the journey towards creating change, encouraging kontrol, madrassas, an uma and eventually a caliphate in Britain by the islamist immigrants from Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh, The Middle East and increasingly from Africa!
It all looks so generous and inclusive as the likes of Sadiq Khan worm their way to power, as 650,000 Londoners are driven out of London by the many changes during his dictatorial and undemocratic rule, whilst 1.2Million non-white, non-indigenous islamists flood in – changing customs, laws and values, introducing hate marches ans foreign conflicts – I’m sure you understand my point as increasingly we see efforts to islamify schools, codes of dress and intolerance.

Even the introduction of sharia into our penal code with efforts to introduce blasphemy laws to protect cults from denunciation of their evil, are you aware that The Electoral Commission has introduced laws in this present General Election, making it a criminal offence for any candidate to upset or denounce another – presumably that will protect discussion of any evil cult or superstition as that might upset them.
KING DAVID HOTEL 22-Jul-1946-01
I wonder if one can discuss the use of bombing a hotel and slaughtering civilians in 1947


or the mass deportation & murder of Palestinians by, or at least for Zionists in Shattila & Sabra in the Lebanon or using rape as a weapon of war by Hamas on 07-Oct-2023 in Southern Palestine – or the mass slaughter of unarmed civilians with 21st. century weapons and fast jets as in Gaza.PALESTINE MAP of ZIONIST TERRORISM 01

I understand that although it is not often mentioned Sadiq Khan is not just a Pakistani but his parents are from The North West Frontier and seem to be a mix of Pashtoon and Pahan tribes – The very tribes that form the evil Taliban and their vile islamist hatred, abuse of women, paedophelia and murderous extremism!

Read the qoran, study the hadiths, learn about sharia, halal and the misogyny of islamists and now consider how great a leap back to the barbarism of the stone age it is! Are these really the values you want in YOUR Country?

Coincidence or what? Keep your eyes wide open, stay wide awake and draw your own conclusions!

To concentrate for a moment on Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor, nee Markle, who until recently claimed, on her actor’s CV that she was a Caucasian – then suddeny found a way of causing problems and becoming the centre of attention, exposedf her true natural racism – but when she realised her racism had backfired and damaged her she conveniently discovered she was 43% Nigerian – frankly, who cares!

There is no doubt, when you consider the near endless poverty of Nigeria, the many famines (remember the famines of Biafra and also that of Northern Khano) Nigeria has been frequently a zone of inter-tribal warfare and the ravages of islam – currently in the form of the vile state sponsored kidnappers and torturers of the Boko Haram cult, aided by islamists in the guise of Muslims – a brutal and murderous cult that has ravaged Africa exploiting the gold, slaves and salt of the entire continent.
It is hard to think of any regime or cult on this planet that has been as murderous, brutal, misogynistic and exploitative, in its efforts to form first an uma and eventually a caliphate – until recently most of Europe has been fortunate, first only parts of Europe were infected by the toxic nature of islam, then Muslims were driven out for a considerable time, but we are facing a new invasion of the vile hoards of mostly male invaders – seeking to enveigle their way into our political structure and then through bullying, lies and fear forcing by blackmail, rape and murder, sharia, halal and misogyny on the people to create pockets of no go areas, influence education to the barbarity of islam and eventually, as instructed in the qoran impose a dictatorial caliphate of hate and human rights abuse!

People overlook this insidious destruction of Western Civilisation and our values by wave after wave of young male invaders, at their peril as the well-meaning and stupid liberals betray common sense and sleepwalk, eyes wide shut, into the hell that is increasingly prevalent.

To increase one’s understanding of this wave of evil – just look at the multi-cultural Christian urbanity and colourful life and luxury of the Lebanon, as recently as the 1960s. Now look at the bombed out, impoverished poverty that the Lebanon now is.

Consider Syria in the 1960s modern, wealthy, democratic and peaceful, islamism and ISIS have reduced much of it to rubble and besides over a Million deaths it is now a region of terror – Increasingly Turkey features as an unwise destination for non islamic tourists and visitors, as it seems to be following the islamic route with ever more Christian places of worship and veneration being converted to islamic shrines and temples!

I remember Aden before the cults of islam’s warring destruction of the region, that has destroyed so much of its ancient history and beautiful architecture as cults of islam bomb and batter it into terror, pennuary and starvation.

Even Iran was a land of peace, co-existence, prosperity, even wealth and education, until the Shah and the rule of law was driven out by the Ayatollahs and the evil ideology of islam, which now means your children are denied education and freedoms and your daughters can be beaten to death in the street for permitting a lock of their hair to be seen despite their enforced hijab.

Beware the march of islam and the evil it imposes –
YOUR Country is at risk of invasion and destruction by the waves of oh-so-alien migrants claiming to be fleeing warfare, poverty, famine and hatred – the very cult of islamic destruction they aim to create – have you noticed how few of these refugees are genuine and seek to save their Mothers, sisters, wives and girlfriends – even children with them to save them from the hell and misery they had created before tjhey left their country of origin to spread their cult, their uma, the4ir madrassas and their caliphate!

Stop and think, with your eyes wide open and do ALL you can to halt these waves of evil and their vile murderous cult of hate and nihilism!


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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &amp; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
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