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This is something of a Manifesto for Britain! …


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This contains ideas you may feel you can improve on PLEASE DO
This is something of a Manifesto for Britain!
Version ONE was published on D-Day (06-06-2024 The 80th.)
It will be on my Web Site: 

Thanks for ANY help you are able to give.
We need to start somewhere because there is absolutely no doubt Britain is broken and without radical change, it can only get worse.
D-Day, a day that we must ALL remember almost 200,000 British military and their allies invading across the channel to liberate Europe, and re-establish a free world, I note we have news coverage of a group from continental Europe, that the continentals have done nothing to stop – they are illegal immigrants trying to invade Britain to steal our money to fund their failure in life.

Britain and our allies invaded to Liberate France, and the rest of Europe, when will they reciprocate and take back the Millions of illegal immigrants who have invaded Britain unlawfully from their shores.

The French have proved repeatedly they lack integrity, Courage and Honour. 

France, over the ages, has run away from acting honourably: –
They fled Indo-China, abandoning their mercenaries (Legion Etranger) some 1,200 of whom gave their lives, to a man, covering the retreat of the cowardly French military! –
They fled Rwanda leaving it in chaos, to genocide! –
Mitterand, Barbie & the Vichy Turncoats shipped French Jews to Germany to aid the Holocaust –
Now they want their unwanted homeless, islamists, vagrants and other migrants to climb into trashy boats and they do NOTHING to stop them –
Escorting them out of French Waters and abandoning them for British maritime taxis to collect for the invasion of Britain!

Britain should treat those who come to our Country without approved documentation, as with any other invading hoard!
Send them back – Do note Britain has gone to the aid of Ukraine to help it defend itself from a Barbaric invasion.

It is time to complete BreXit and quit the ECHR and run our own Country, we have managed to protect our borders since 1066, but have had more people invade Britain in most weeks, since we gave the EEC, that morphed with zero democratic process into the EU, a say, than were in William The Bastard’s army!
7,500 mainly young men have left France, invading Britain unlawfully thus as illegal immigrants in the first 1/4 of this year alone @ a cost to Britain of £Billions!

We are in no way enriched by this unlawful flotilla invading.

It would seem we are:
Too lazy and too stupid to run our own hospitals, train our own Doctors & Nurses, unwilling to fund the training of scientists, mathematicians, teachers and the like and far too stupid to ensure we keep the skilled and fund the Military – our useless, self-serving parasitic politicians have permitted any garbage to float in, in the pretence that paying £Billions to house and fund them increases our GDP and labour force.
In passing:
How many, by percentage, of the invaders are qualified Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Teachers, Scientists, mathematicians or IT Specialists etc. with qualifications recognised in Britain – amongst the hoards of young men in the shoddy, unseaworthy rubber boats!
The ONLY consequential growth industries in Britain are almost all a net drain on our economy and a diminution of our standards and way of life.
DEPORT ALL who are here without authority, Deport any who resent our basic beliefs, values and social structure, deport all who wish to wander around in alien fancy dress as cultural appropriation of alien cultures, Deport all who can not speak English within a year of being officially welcome, Deport all who expect Benefits & free services within 7 years of arrival.
IF their claimed Country of origin will not accept DEPORTEES back – it tells us a great deal about the individuals – give them 7 days and access to free phones to any Embassy – IF they have failed to find a country to go to – What is wrong with DEPORTATION to South Georgia?
approx. 120 miles long & 25 miles wide with zero population – ideal for DEPORTEES.
Control the dubious growth industries by reducing them by a minimum of 50% within a year, ie WOKE, Civil Service, Local Government, Politicians, Political aids advisors and lobbyists and ALL supporting staff.

House train the HMRC, reducing them to:
They may ONLY impose taxes and structure that can be explained without obfuscation in 100 pages of A4, printed to the standard of English & Arithmetic level with the AVERAGE standard of a school leaver – all within the single document for citizens, and a second similarly sized document for businesses.
IF HMRC or any other body feel the complexity of the subject requires greater ability than that of an average pupil leaving school – they had better invest in ensuring better standards of education.
No public body shall be liable for nor pay for any documentation in any language other than English, English shall be the ONLY language used for any documentation or public event – the costs of any form of translation shall be borne by any party unable to communicate in the National language, thereby ensuring the greatest levels of communication as the essential purpose of language is communication.

The teaching of languages other than English shall be at the expense of those wishing to learn such languages and should be encouraged.

No member of the NHS to hold a management position above cleaner, without a consequential medical qualification, and NEVER more than 10% of staff in NHS to be in management.
No Consultant, Doctor or Nurse in the NHS to work for a 3rd. party – ie zero bank/agency nurses.
If the NHS lacks the staff then sadly it can not provide the service –
Reduce the budget to 50% and let it grow from there by under the democratic control of the taxpayers –
Funding should be an openly declared and published amount Hypothecated (Ring Fenced) within taxation and published in detail ie: that of a given Department within a given trust should have a clear sum declared of cost and % of budget spent published 1/4ly.

The exact salaries, income and expenses of every individual funded by the taxpayer to be published 1/2 yearly together with hours spent at work and hourly rate.
EVERY British citizen, whether male or female to receive the same national pension, zero location allowances, funded by hypothecated taxation (Ring Fenced) – provision for additional pensions being funded by the individual.
Without sound repeatable Peer Reviewed and publicly published provenance no Medical edict or treatment may be imposed on anyone, no block to planning or development may take place, no energy source may be publicly funded and no progress may be halted.

ANYONE in breach of any of these rules should face trial and a prison sentence of 3 years, for a first offence.
ALL CUSTODIAL SENTENCES will be as given WITHOUT remission.
All references to or claims regarding Climate Crisis, Wind Turbines, Solar Panels, CO2, Global Warming, Anthropogenic Climate Change, Fossil Fuels, Fracking, Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Fusion, and so much more are to be considered Scams and Frauds, without the required Peer Reviewed, Publicly Published, Scientifically Proven in repeatable manner, Provenance and open to public discussion and criticism.
No public employee or appointee should be permitted to attend or participate in any international function, outside of their elected and funded direct job – No delegate shall attend any international group that is unelected – Be that The Communist Party, COP, Marxist Meeting, WEF, UN, Davos, IMF, WHO, or any other QUANGO as it would seem the foundation of much, if not most, of the evils on this planet emanate from such bodies.

Consider the source of Frauds & Scams, like Lockdowns, Covid, Climate Scams, Fuel Frauds and so much more seemingly promoted as scare tactics for gain!
Cut meetings and cut waste – Public Servants should get on with their job, without public jollies.

ALL employees of the Public Purse should attend their place of work for not less than 80% of their paid for time.
Shall swear an oath of allegiance to our Monarchy (Head of State), our Westminster Democracy & on The Bible – OR attest. No other doctrine shall be considered apposite or valid. 
IF an employee or delegate is unwilling to thus swear they are at liberty to gain employment elsewhere.

The compulsory payment by taxpayers to fund The BBC or any other broadcaster shall be reduced by 15% per annum to result in their becoming fully self-funding within 7 years.
Neither the Government nor any public body may allocate funding or advertising to any British publisher or broadcaster without similar usage for every other domestic publisher or broadcaster.
No publisher or broadcaster may be owned by any offshore or foreign organisation or group thereof exceeding 40%
No Power or essential supply eg. Electric, fuel, water, transport etc. may be owned or supplied by any offshore or foreign corporation, government, individual or group thereof to a level higher than 25%
Education and society at large may not consider other than the birth gender of any individual under 12 and no medical treatment may be offered or encouraged before the sexual age of consent at which time it can be assumed that an understanding of legally acceptable informed consent MAY be considered with parental consent to age 18.
There are only two Genders though sexuality may extend based on preference and legally accepted perversions.

Men’s and Women’s spaces shall be recognised as Gender unique as with any and all sports are considered apposite.
No recognition of trans Gender may be considered without both body and medical changes apposite, and no male or trans male nor female or trans female may indulge in gender defined sport during ANY stage of gender reassignment, whatever gender they claim, other than that of their birth.
EVERY ONE Drawing BENEFITS, as unemployed, shall be funded for 3 months in any 5 years after which they MUST attend the Benefits Office for 2 hours a week to perform public service as directed –
this shall increment by 2 hours weekly after the first month until a maximum of 45 hours per week. accrued over any 5 year period!

The entire concept of Scientifically Proven Climate data is a provable FRAUD.

Neither Wind Turbines nor Solar Power are anything other than a scam with massive environmental damage requiring obscene levels of subsidy and a failure at viable stand alone power production.

There is ZERO evidence of ANY consequential sea level rise anywhere on the planet.

There are LESS Storms, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Flooding, Drought, Ice Storms in any 5 year period since WWII than at any time in recorded history!

LESS People by percentage are killed, harmed or injured by climatic conditions now than ever before.

LESS People by percentage die of famine than at any time in recorded history.

The Temperature is currently about 3,5C lower than in either The Medieval or Roman Period.

The planet is Greener now than 150 years ago.

A further rise in temp. is likely as the dubiously claimed .5 or 1.5C rise is relative to 1840! The Little Iceage!!

Polar Bear numbers are 1/3rd higher than when I was born in 1946!
There is absolutely ZERO evidence that Oil has ANY relationship to fossils and a great deal of factual evidence that it is NOT a Fossil Fuel.

CO2 is rather limited in supply and we are in danger if it reduces in volume, as it is a miniscule amount of our atmosphere but vital to sustain life!

Oil is at the foundation of our modern world as a lubricant and a fuel –

Fortunately, Oil is the second commonest fluid on our planet and readily available, relatively cheaply, in vast quantities – with every sign that it is regenerative (though science hasn’t a clue how it occurs).
An excellent method of low impact abstraction is Fracking and it seems to have very low impact downsides in either production or use!

Any and all carbon taxes, considered apposite and thus levied shall be fully redeamable (costed to) the Country of the producer and that of the end user together with any and all transport costs payable shall also be by both Countries –
Thereby causing encouragement of both production AND usage in any one Country.

Any and all taxes and carbon costs etc. on the production of any and all arms shall be payable by the country of manufacture, the country of supply and the country in receipt – thus upto 3 times –
Surplus shall be payable into an international fund for the civilian reconstruction costs of any damage done or compensation agreed.
This is something of a Manifesto for Britain!
It will be available on my Web Site: 

IF you wish to be kept upto date I suggest you join my Web Site as a subscriber – there is zero cost to you!

It will grow and refine as ideas, concepts and principles develop – minded that it is open to improvement, criticism and republication, wherever you wish to increase the input to arrive at an ever better version that is ever more comprehensive.

DO mail me back your thoughts, ideas, criticisms and improvements – I would appreciate any thoughts you have in BLUE as that will help me note the points YOU are making.

Please indicate whether you wish to contribute privately, personally, as an organisation, politically or commercially. I shall endeavour to accord with your wishes but where YOU choose I will ensure anonymity.
Thanks for ANY help you are able to give.
Greg L-W
01594 528 337



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337
Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

All unanswered messages are recorded.
Leave a UK land line number & I will return your call.

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Chepstow Chat:

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CLIMATE CHANGES – Folly & The Future:

Common Purpose Blog:


Des Watkins DFC:

Documents, Essays & Treaties:



Free-Masonry Info Site:

General ‘Stuff’:

G.L-W.: Documents, Treaties, Acts & Essays:

GL-W’s Eclectical WEBlog:


Greens Web Site UK:

Greg Lance-Watkins:

Health, Mine & Some of yours:

Hollie Greig etc.:

INDEPENDENT Leave-the-EU Alliance:

Info Web Site blog:

Info Web Site . UK: http://www.InfoWebSite.UK

Just Say NO to EU:

Labour Web Site UK:


Let The People Decide:

Lib Dem Web Site uk:

Life’s Roller Coaster:

Lockerbie / PanAm 103 21-Dec-1988:

Lydney Life & Times:

New Deal UK:


Robin Page’s Website:

SandBox – GL-W:


Speculative Society of Edinburgh (The SSoE):

Stolen Kids, Dunblane:


Stolen Kids, Bloggers:

STROAT – Gloucestershire – Forest of Dean:

Stroat – Wind Turbine:

The Countryside Trust:

The Hamlet of Stroat:

The McCann Case:


The Study of a Wind Turbine Application: CLICK HERE

The Wild Farms Trust:

The World Economic Forum & more:

Tory Web Site UK:

Turbulent Times:

UKIP:- UK Independence Party:


Wales & The Welsh:

WALES & The WELSH Dramatis Personae:

W.E.F. (World Economic Forum):

We Demand A Referendum:

We Demand A Referendum:



Stolen Kids Blogs with links:
Stolen Oyster with links:
Stolen Trust with links:
Stolen Childhood with links:
  • I NEVER post anonymously on the internet
  • ALL MY BLOGS & WEB SITES are clearly sourced to me
  • I do NOT use an obfuscated eMail address to hide behind
  • I do NOT often use or bother reading FaceBook
  • I do NOT watch BBC nor have I for 30+yrs as I do NOT trust it
  • I DO NOT have a Voicemail Message System
  • I ONLY GUARANTEE to answer identifiable eMails
  • I ONLY GUARANTEE to phone back identifiable UK Land Line Messages
  • I do NOT accept phone calls from withheld numbers
  • I Regret due to BT in this area I have a rubbish Broadband connection
  • I AM opposed to contrived Political unions eg The EU & British membership of The EU
  • I AM opposed to Welsh, Scottish or English Independence within our interdependent UK
  • I am NOT a WARMIST & Believe Anthropogenic Climate Crisis is a FRAUD
  • I do NOT believe the IPCC Climate Propaganda re Anthropogenic Global Warming
  • I AM strongly opposed to the subsidy or use of failed technologies eg. WIND TURBINES
  • I AM IN FAVOUR of rapid research & development of NEW NUCLEAR technologies
  • I see no evidence to trust POLITICIANS at any level or of any persuasion
  • I do NOT believe in GODS singular or plural, Bronze Age, Arcane or Modern
  • I consider Christianity, Hindi, & Bhudism tolerable
  • Judaism, Catholicism & Muslim dubious, Zionism, Communism & Islamism vile 
  • I value the NHS as a MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICE NOT a Lifestyle support
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial or GBH rape.
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial, terrorist, mass or for pleasure murder.
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial gross child abuse including sexual.
  • I do NOT trust or believe in armed police
  • I believe in EUTHENASIA under clearly defined & legal terms
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337
Calls from ‘Number Withheld’ phones Are Blocked

Mobile Number: 07375 519 309

‘e’Mail Address:
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I try to make every effort to NOT infringe copyrights in any commercial way & make all corrections of fact brought to my attention by an identifiable individual.

Please Be Sure To
Follow me on some other sites
 & spread the facts World Wide

The Main Web Site:

Greg Lance – Watkins
GregLW            GL-W
GLW Documents

Climate Change
of Wales & the Welsh
My Health Blog – Cancer etc.
WEF, Agenda 21&30, NWO, UN etc.
To SEE Many More


Regarding TWITTER:

From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
I was banned from TWITTER.
Allegedly I have broken a TWITTER Rule,
But, Seemingly they lacked the integrity or competence
to identify the rule!
PRESUMABLY I told the Truth or Used a fact
that did not suit their corrupt WOKE agenda,
bias or propaganda! AT THE TIME!
As the corrupt & biased owners no longer use their lies,
bias & propaganda on Twitter to Un-platform People
& it is no longer owned & managed by them
as Elon Musk has purchased the platform:
I have rejoined by deleting
my provably accurate
TWITTER BAN 04-July-2022
Remove Tweet
Tweet 1 of 1
Violating one of our Rules.
They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
By clicking Remove, you are removing the content of your Tweet and all other edited versions of the tweet, and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and via your profile timeline for 14 days. Learn more.
If you feel that your account has been locked in error, you can appeal by contacting our support team here.

Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!

A Friend Recently entered my name in an AI Search Engine:
Apparently Greg Lance-Watkins
Was recently found guilty of a double homicide
in Tennessee, USA.
I was last in America in December 1979,
I am not, nor have I ever been in Court
or prison in America!