

IN MEMORIAM of ‘D’ Day 6-Jun-1944
& My Family’s Small Part, On That Day …


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6th. June 1944 –  80 Years Ago


late in the afternoon 80 years ago my Mother got permission to slip away early from her secret radio ops. base near London – on condition she remained in Uniform! – she had no idea why she had to wear uniform but what the hell it got her off ops. early!

Win 12b

She was WRAF and now firmly grounded as her newly married husband said that 2 in the air was too many!

A AirA

Father had arranged to fly into Biggin Hill for a brief overnight stay and they were meeting for an early supper with some friends in a hotel near Croydon airport. I believe it was The Airport Hotel, in which I have stayed several times, with its interminable narrow corridors!

They had dinner and everyone drifted away early. Later that night my Father slid quietly from their bedroom setting an alarm for my Mother – She was on orders and Father had just broken orders!!

Mother heard the alarm and rapidly got up – not quite sure why she had to – dressed, rather blearily in the dark and was on the front steps of the hotel, just as dawn was breaking. Those were her instructions!!

Just as dawn broke she heard the familiar roar of Merlin Engines as a wing of Spitfires flew at rooftop level over the hotel waggling their wings, amongst them she noted my Father’s plane’s markings and could see but not read her name painted below the cockpit hood! – she spent the next 10 minutes, as the roar of Merlins diminished to the south, helping a cleaning lady clear up the mess she made falling over a bucket of soapy water as she, being less used to Spitfires at close quarters than my Mother, dived for cover!

Then, the sprint back to her station where at every opportunity for the rest of the day she tuned in to listen to my Father’s squadron as it provided the air cover on the beaches of the Normandy Landings.

Operation Overlord with the landing of 156,000 allied troops on the beaches of Normandy (Operation Neptune) was underway. Britain with her allies, accrued along the way, had re-entered Europe to drive the Germans out of Europe and rescue the peoples of Europe from the evils of the German expansionism and the vile brutality in their industrialised slaughter of civilian prisoners held, transported, tortured and murdered in a series of death camps that exterminated some 6,000,000 Gypsies, homosexuals, Jews, disabled – the young, the old, women, men and children.

Britain, having declared War alone, against The German expansive invasion of Europe, was now, after a long and costly battle since 1938 and Neville Chamberlain’s guile in duping Hitler into a delayed start at Munich, thus permitting Britain a mad scrabble to build sufficient planes & other preparations – informed Lord Halifax and The Assembled Cabinet at Downing Street – awaiting his return from Munich with his aid the young Alex Douglas Home later to be Lord Hume PM.

Chamberlain’s first words to his assembled Cabinet were “Gentlemen prepare for War”.
(for further details CLICK HERE

On 06-June-1944 the liberation of Europe had begun, with the largest seaborne military landings in history, D-Day: Operations Overlord & Neptune were underway with those dawn landings – with RAF Spitfire aircover over the beaches.

The landings were to be preceded by airborne landings near Caen on the eastern flank to secure the Orne River bridges and north of Carentan on the western flank.

The Americans, assigned to land at Utah Beach and Omaha Beach, were to attempt to capture Carentan and St. Lô the first day, then cut off the Cotentin Peninsula and eventually capture the port facilities at Cherbourg.

The British at Sword Beach and Gold Beach and the Canadians at Juno Beach would protect the American flank and attempt to establish airfields near Caen. A secure lodgement would be established and an attempt made to hold all territory north of the AvranchesFalaise line within the first three weeks.

Montgomery envisaged a ninety-day battle, lasting until all Allied forces reached the Seine.

In the 48 hours of D Day alone fatal casualties were around 3,000 with many many more injured.

1,000s died to give you and I our liberty!

The Normandy Beaches
6th. June 1944
Where They Gave Their Lives For You & I

Only to be betrayed by political filth just a few decades later.

Few things in my life have revolted me more than the glib willingness of the scum of the earth to squabble and back stab to get their snouts in the troughs on The EU Gravy Train.

Even less edifying have been the filth that has crawled out of the gutters to lie and cheat, plot and scheme against decent honest people, who have no interest in personal reward, yet seek to liberate these United Kingdoms from under the heel of those to whom our politicians have betrayed us.

Richard North made a very simple but very understanding comment on his Blog:

“In a demonstration of raw courage, ingenuity, determination and sheer power, on 6 June 1944 the combined Allied Armies launched the greatest invasion fleet in the history of man onto the shores of Normandy – a feat never since equalled and never likely to be repeated.

Many arrived – many fewer left. We owe them a great deal.”

But Richard has a better understanding of the betrayal of Britain by Politicians and a clear understanding of young men in battle, let down by the politicians who betrayed them and the senior officers jockeying for position, do read his recent book – Details CLICK HERE

“In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.”
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821),

It is very clear from Christopher Booker and Richard North’s book: ‘The Great Deception’
BOOKER & NORTH, The Great Deception 02

Europe is prone to militaristic bribes and bullying even prone to undemocratic betrayal by its self-styled Franco-German political elite as it is now controlled by an unelected Marxist/Socialist dictator committee – that would have horrified those who died and were prepared to give their lives to Liberate Europe from just such a body! Fortunately, Britain currently has an element of liberty and Sovereignty despite the malicious maundering of many in the Labour Party, Civil Service and media who have little interest in Britain’s best interests – as portrayed by the gravity and courage of the D-Day landings.

It was a number of days after the D-Day landings that, on a dawn Met. Flight my father and a Wing Man flew over the Normany beaches towards the Falaise-Avranche Line and found the German Army in full retreat – the roads were narrow and tended to be high sided and with hedges on top – a common feature of Normandy, in radio silence they ‘took out’ the lead vehicles and the rear vehicles – trapping a large number of other vehicles, in what became known as the Falaise Box in which they straffed as many vehicles as they could – stranding 100s maybe 1,000 of German military.

I knew very little of my father’s career during the War, as he virtually never talked of it – but his diaries and letters were a fascinating read, from The Slaughter in the bomb raid at Parnell’s in Yate CLICK HERE right to its very end.

It was not until after he died 0n 06-09-2003 aged 82 that I discovered from my Mother that he had woken at least once a week from nightmares imprinted in his memory by the horrors of the War – from the huge number of deaths of friends at Parnalls, through the fears of being Battened Down on The Moultan on route to South Africa and on to Rhodesia to learn to fly, shortly out of school at Chipping Sodbury Grammar School.

The huge percentage of his colleagues in Fighter Command Europe who died, The D-Day Landings, The Falaise Box, the smell of Hamburgh from miles away in the air, the hours alone in silence in the cockpit flying direct to bombardment and flack, the permanent readiness that any second you might be under attack from a plane out of a cloud or AA Fire from the ground and then constantly surveilling your instruments all the way back, unaware if you had taken a bullet in a fuel or oil line or had a command wire damaged that could snap leaving the plane uncontrollable, or have to bail out and get another ‘Golden Boot’ or Goldfish!

Goldfish Club

Worst of all, I gather, was his time between missions over the front bulldozing and categorising the dead the dying and the survivors of Belsen! No wonder he had 1,000s of nightmares in what was left of his life.

But when one watches the betrayal of Britain today and the mass invasion of alien values, and no values at all one is almost glad he did not survive longer!

For further details of my Father’s life CLICK HERE



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337
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Leave a UK land line number & I will return your call.

‘e’Mail Address: Greg_L-W@BTconnect.com

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The Hamlet of Stroat: http://Stroat-Gloucestershire.com

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  • I Regret due to BT in this area I have a rubbish Broadband connection
  • I AM opposed to contrived Political unions eg The EU & British membership of The EU
  • I AM opposed to Welsh, Scottish or English Independence within our interdependent UK
  • I am NOT a WARMIST & Believe Anthropogenic Climate Crisis is a FRAUD
  • I do NOT believe the IPCC Climate Propaganda re Anthropogenic Global Warming
  • I AM strongly opposed to the subsidy or use of failed technologies eg. WIND TURBINES
  • I AM IN FAVOUR of rapid research & development of NEW NUCLEAR technologies
  • I see no evidence to trust POLITICIANS at any level or of any persuasion
  • I do NOT believe in GODS singular or plural, Bronze Age, Arcane or Modern
  • I consider Christianity, Hindi, & Bhudism tolerable
  • Judaism, Catholicism & Muslim dubious, Zionism, Communism & Islamism vile 
  • I value the NHS as a MEDICAL HEALTH SERVICE NOT a Lifestyle support
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial or GBH rape.
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial, terrorist, mass or for pleasure murder.
  • I believe in a DEATH PENALTY for serial gross child abuse including sexual.
  • I do NOT trust or believe in armed police
  • I believe in EUTHENASIA under clearly defined & legal terms
tel: 44 (0)1594 – 528 337
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Regarding TWITTER:

From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
I was banned from TWITTER.
Allegedly I have broken a TWITTER Rule,
But, Seemingly they lacked the integrity or competence
to identify the rule!
PRESUMABLY I told the Truth or Used a fact
that did not suit their corrupt WOKE agenda,
bias or propaganda! AT THE TIME!
As the corrupt & biased owners no longer use their lies,
bias & propaganda on Twitter to Un-platform People
& it is no longer owned & managed by them
as Elon Musk has purchased the platform:
I have rejoined by deleting
my provably accurate
TWITTER BAN 04-July-2022
Remove Tweet
Tweet 1 of 1
Violating one of our Rules.
They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted! https://t.co/ckGbEMFxVf
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
By clicking Remove, you are removing the content of your Tweet and all other edited versions of the tweet, and forgoing the option to appeal this violation. Please note that the original content will be replaced with a notice stating your Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. This notice will be accessible via direct URL and via your profile timeline for 14 days. Learn more.
If you feel that your account has been locked in error, you can appeal by contacting our support team here.

Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!

A Friend Recently entered my name in an AI Search Engine:
Apparently Greg Lance-Watkins
Was recently found guilty of a double homicide
in Tennessee, USA.
I was last in America in December 1979,
I am not, nor have I ever been in Court
or prison in America!