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Have Kier Starmer with his greater love for Davos, The WEF and Wokery, together with The Spanish Judiciary set a dangerous precedent for us all? …

FORMAT of 01-06-2024

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the unfettered abuse of moral principles and common law, by a Spanish Court, holds every reason for great foreboding for the future of law throughout Europe and the civilised Western world as invasion by alien cultures progresses apace.

Do be minded that in 1066 Britain was invaded by William The Bastard, a pretender to the British Crown, supported with a force of around 5,000, mostly Norman armed men.

Just short of 1,000 years later Britain made the mistake of joining the EEC on 01-01-1973, due to our betrayal by our political scoundrels and the lies of Edward Heath, his Government and those acting out of personal greed, at the expense of the peoples of Britain aided and abetted by the Narxist/Socialist ambitions of a small percentage in Britain but a force for evil in EUrope and those with Globalist ambitions!

Astonishingly in almost 1,000 years from the invasion of William The Bastard in 1066 until the Betrayal of Britain and our being duped into subjugation by the undemocratic EEC and its Communist-styled Marxist/Socialist unelected-Dictator Committee & its Politbureau-styled so-called Parliament, where a total destruction of Democracy was achieved by pulling together so many faiths, cults, values and beliefs of so many tribal groups and countries no Demos could ever be formed as there were so many factions that they cancelled out any true beliefs, aims or concept of democracy – enabling absolute control by the unelected dictator committee controlling so great a pot of public money that they could bribe, bully and buy the support of some 700 widely assorted delegates, under the control of some 60,000 civil servants and a like number of lobbyists – all bought and paid for with money extorted from 300 Million people and audited by none!

More aliens, aliens in terms of values, customs, language, dress, cults, creeds and criminality have invaded our country during those latter 50 years than in the previous 1,000!

Now we are all too well aware that the entire Justice system is corrupted and controlled in a manner to suit the self-styled elite with committees of bought and paid-for clerks and civil servants posing as Judges.

I have stated widely, and been quoted regularly in the run-up to the British General Election:
IF YOU VOTE FOR CHANGE – YOU will get Marxist/Socialist Labour with islamist support & within 5 years Britain’s Government will be blackmailed into Sharia, Halal, misogyny, madrassas & Hate + open borders to fill Britain with even MORE islamist to overthrow democracy totally – WAKE UP!

This looks like a very clear step in that direction, coming from the Judiciary in Spain!

Do remember that it was Sir Kier Stamer, the leader of the marxist/socialist Labour Party, who as a lawyer betrayed Britain:

Just remember, when you go to vote, this man allowed 4,500 men who were convicted of sexual offences to receive no prison time. He also campaigned to stop 50 dangerous criminals from being deported, many who re offended.
It was he who all but turned a blind eye to the islamist grooming and rape gangs who although primarily Kashmiri and Pakistanis had opted to procure, groom and rape many 1,000s of white female children, mainly from poorer sectors of society – in the main Politicians and Police under this dangerous lawyer’s apparent guidance acted for these islamists in the pretence of not upsetting these people and their vile alien values!

I presume, based upon precedent: We can expect, as with the failure to bring an end to the antics of the FRAUD of ‘Just Stop Oil’ & the SCAM regarding the pretence of ‘Climate Crisis’ and the abject failure of OUR police force to carry out their duties to bring an end to the inciting and far from peaceful pro Hamas Rallys every week in our cities and their overt anti Semitism!

What next, are we to stop investigating and trying to prevent the endemic outrage of ‘Knife Crimes, including Murders’ because it is the norm amongst a large sector of aliens who have invaded our Country – as with the case in the Spanish Courts detailed below.

Man who raped gipsy girl, 12, acquitted because relationship ‘common’

Marriages between very young people frequent in Roma culture, Spanish court rules

A man who raped a 12-year-old girl was acquitted by a court that deemed their relations formed “part of the cultural reality of the gipsy community”.

Under Spanish law, minors under the age of 16 cannot consent to sex. But the court ruled that the man, who was 20 years old at the time, should benefit from a legal exception.

The ruling in Ciudad Real in central Spain, holds that the relationship was “always consensual within the framework of a romantic relationship”, adding that the two were “close in age and maturity”.

The acquittal is the latest in a series of rulings in which judges have taken into account customs followed by some of Spain’s Roma population when dealing with cases of sexual assault concerning minors.

Leaders of civil society and government officials have expressed outrage that the ethnicity of the alleged victim and abuser in cases of underage sex should have any bearing on the legal rights.

The girl was found to be pregnant by a doctor who activated protocols for the protection of minors, leading to the man’s arrest.

Went to doctor about pregnancy

According to the ruling, the defendant said he did not know the exact age of the minor and discovered that she was 12 only when they went to the doctor about her pregnancy.

Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of 11 years for a crime of repeated rape against a minor.

However, the court ruled to acquit, describing it as “an undisputed fact [that] the relationship took place in the cultural and social context of the gipsy community, where marriages between very young people are frequent”.

The ruling in Ciudad Real comes just two days after another verdict was made public in which another man saw his sentence reduced considerably for the statutory rape of a minor.

The man, who has not been named, was sentenced to 11 years in prison after a sexual relationship with a Roma girl saw her become pregnant three times between the ages of 12 and 15.

The court in León was told by the victim that in her culture it was normal for a 12-year-old girl to have sexual relations with an adult. Prosecutors, who had initially pursued a 37-year sentence on three counts of rape, eventually agreed on a plea bargain deal with the reduced sentence, with the conviction ruling stating that “couples start at very early ages in gipsy culture”.

Ruling an ‘absolute disgrace’

Beatriz Carrillo, director general of non-discrimination and anti-racism within Spain’s Equalities Ministry, described the ruling in León as an “absolute disgrace”.

“The penal code does not exclude Roma minors from protection. If it did so, we would be saying that abusing, attacking or raping gipsy girls has few legal consequences.”

There are around 750,000 Roma living in Spain, according to an estimate by the Gypsy Secretariat Foundation (FSG).

Sara Giménez, FSG director general, said: “Spain’s legal framework says under-16s cannot give consent and this law should be applied for the protection of women, including gipsy women.

“Gipsy culture does not include abuse or the violation of rights. There may be exceptional cases of relationships between minors but these rulings foment negative stereotypes that are really damaging.”

To View the Original Article CLICK HERE

Now consider the plight, in terms of culture, values and invasion in 

Since their takeover in 2021, the council has dramatically transformed the town. Hamtramck in Michigan and how Muslims have changed the historically Polish town!


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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!

A Friend Recently entered my name in an AI Search Engine:
Apparently Greg Lance-Watkins
Was recently found guilty of a double homicide
in Tennessee, USA.
I was last in America in December 1979,
I am not, nor have I ever been in Court
or prison in America!