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What led Prince Harry to announce a split from Meghan Markle after the Invictus Games? + Could Charles & William end The Monarchy? …


Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins
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I was asked on Quora: The following question:

To which I replied:

Profile photo for Controversially Greg

Controversially Greg

Harry could well have considered a split from his odious wife Meghan after her embarrassing self serving antics at The Invictus Games.

I would consider he wants to pluck up the courage to separate from Meghan in the light of her failure to learn the ways of the gentry, obvious inability to act, can YOU name a single role she ever had other than her role in the Cable TV series which ran in Canada, called ‘Suits’ which was a soap opera based around a legal practice, where she had passed herself off in her CV as Caucasian.

We all now know Meghan to be a Racist, all too willing to play the Race Card and like so many Blacks and Colourds pretend to a victim status, demeaning all of similar ethnicity by claiming their colour was the reason for failure and inventing the myth of white privilege. We all know that Slavery has been endemic in Africa for millennia but it opened up to the cross Atlantic trade by which many Blacks in Africa were hugely enriched by selling their Black slaves to a handful of venal white traders who transported them to the Caribean and America, which for many was a better life than enslavement in Africa.

It was also a far better route for most than being sold to the Islamist traders who immediately castrated the males and the women who became pregnant by their Arab owners they were executed, often by public stoning.

The slaves who were sold to white traders, many, you can see from the many wealthy Blacks and Coloureds in America, worked hard and built commercial enterprises and fortunes – hence the many who became Millionaires!

Harry weakly stood by whilst Meghan cheated and lied about his family, she then colluded with Oprah Winfrey to make an hour long PR release packed full of outright and proven lies and distorted self promotion at the expense of her own family and that of Harry’s which had so clearly welcomed her with open arms and the love of the British as until her arrival Harry was very popular with many in Britain.

Perhaps I knew a little too much about Harry, who I knew had major Mental Health issues, was like both his parent as thick as a brick, easily led by sycophants and he, like his parents was all too prone to temper tantrums – he barely knew his mother as he was very young when she sadly died in a car crash in Paris, due to her failure to wear a seat belt and her boyfriend’s stupidity in employing a chauffer with a drink problem, whom he allowed to drive at excessive speed. The fact that young Fayed did not bother with a seat belt either, led to him crushing Diana and rupturing her aorta, which caused her to bleed to death rapidly when the Doctor tried to move her.

Their body guard failed to protect them as he permitted the driver to drive at excessive speed and he also failed to insist his charges wore their seat belts, which notably he wore and thus was the sole survivor of the crash. Be assured, there was no evidence or reason for foul play nor evidence of ANY press involvement. It is widely believed that the Mercedes 600 was driving at over 100kph and was slightly out of lane on the curve in the partial tunnel, and eyewitnesses believe that in correcting his position with an oncoming small car (thought to have been a Fiat with two people in it) the Merc chauffer lost control on the damp curve and slammed the car into an upright concrete station – the damage to the car confirmed the excessive speed.

To return to Meghan – I doubt Harry will have the courage to off load his unpleasant, racist wife lies and all as he is far too weak but I would imagine once she has milked him of all the cash and other benefits he can provide her with she will be rapidly long gone.

We can but hope neither Harry nor Meghan return to Britain, nor try to – I believe King Charles & Prince William are capable of destroying the future of the Monarchy, without Meghan or Harry’s help which would certainly bring an end to the huge benefits of an inherited Monarchy.

Unfortunately, both Charles & William are doing more than enough damage with their ignorance, gullibility and Woke agenda – their tampering with Politics, idiocy in leading the Church of England, crass encouragement of the Evil Islamist cult, playing puppets to the vile WEF with all its lies, frauds and power grabs & their ridiculously ill informed propaganda for the lies of both Alternative Medicine and Net Zero – Will I believe bring an end to the Monarchy within 10 years.

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