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Should Kate Middleton’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, have asked permission from the Royal Family to take part in Celebrity Big Brother? AND on Cathrine’s Cancer etc. …


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The question below, was asked on QUORA

Should Kate Middleton’s uncle, Gary Goldsmith, have asked permission from the Royal Family to take part in Celebrity Big Brother?

 My response was:

Gary Goldsmith is of no stature, relevant to the Monarchy, merely a relative of Princess Catherine, The Princess of Wales by virtue of her marriage to the heir to the throne; having the expectation, demise, divorce or estrangement notwithstanding; likely to become the Next Queen of England.

Catherine’s Uncle, the brother of her Mother, Carol Middleton nee Goldsmith, is not obliged to seek permission to make a fool of himself for money or, to be more accurate, display to all and sundry that he is a fool.

That he lacked the dignity, ethicality and basic good manners to seek permission shows the chasm between Mr. Goldsmith and his niece, whose manners, actions and behaviour have proven over many years to be impeccable – as has her behaviour during this extremely trying and frightening period for her and Prince William, as shown by her concern for her children, her family and her husband’s people, at a time when we all have a crisis of health in our Monarchy.

Catherine’s dignity, courage and behaviour have been unimpeachable.

For her sake and that of her children, husband and her people, as, if we are fortunate, our future Queen, I trust she will find her cancer was caught in its very early stages, prior to any metastases, and that preventative chemo therapy proves effective in eradicating any and all traces of cancer that may have been released into her body, particularly into a given organ (metastasis) or her Lymph Glands, a part of the Lymph System where the primary aim is capture of free or alien body fluids.

Having myself had cancer in various forms since 1997, I can well understand Catherine’s fears at this time and I wish her well. Being myself, now 78 and having Renal Cell Cancer in my unique Kidney (which means my sole remaining kidney, having had my Left Kidney removed in September 2001, due to cancer) I wish Catherine well and a long and fruitful reign as our Queen, when her Husband assumes the throne, on the demise or abdication of King Charles III.

I trust that The Monarchy, as such, will survive for her son Prince George, his heirs and successors to follow on the throne – However due to the inept dabbling in Politics and criminal frauds such as the lies supporting the unscientific myths about Climate Crisis, CO2, Global Warming and the like – about which both Charles and his son William seem to be being duped by the scoundrels and Yes Men they have gathered around them – If they keep trying to sell the scam of Net Zero and manmade Climate Crisis, there is little chance of the Monarchy surviving and not much chance for Civilisation and mankind surviving either!

I wish Catherine a full recovery, and a long and healthy life. I do so hope, both Charles and William wake up to the easily proven scientific fact that there is absolutely Net Zero scientific evidence of material manmade Climate Change, or any manmade Climate Crisis, without a great awakening mankind is in danger of absolute collapse and the Monarch will be soon forgotten, in the battle for survival that the fraud and Net Zero have caused.

Good Luck and good health to you, one and all, as I HOPE you have a future.

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Here is the news of Princess Catherine The Princess of Wales’s cancer diagnosis:

Catherine, Princess of Wales: I am having treatment for cancer

Princess is undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy and says she is focused on making a ‘full recovery’

Hannah Furness, ROYAL EDITOR 22 March 2024 • 6:00pm KP1MFPI0Zm4

The Princess of Wales is undergoing treatment for cancer, she has announced in a personal video message, but told the world: “I am going to be ok.”

The Princess is undergoing a course of preventative chemotherapy and has said she is focused on making a “full recovery”.

The cancer was identified during tests after her abdominal surgery on Jan 16, and she began treatment in late February.

Since then, she and the Prince have been focusing on sharing the news with their three young children and allowing the family to process it in private.

The Princess has now chosen to share the diagnosis in a video message filmed at Windsor on Wednesday, in which she thanked the public for their support and shared her “huge shock” at the news.

In recent weeks, she and the Prince of Wales have been subjected to worldwide conspiracy theories about her health and whereabouts. 

She said the Prince had been a “great source of comfort and reassurance” as she has come to terms with her diagnosis.

The Princess has now chosen to share the diagnosis in a video message filmed at Windsor CREDIT: Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images

The couple chose to announce it after Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis broke up for their school Easter holidays and could be sheltered from the public reaction at home.

The Princess said it had taken her and the Prince “time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be ok”.

In her message she said: “As I have said to them, I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirits.”

The Princess received her diagnosis in late February. It is the reason the Prince of Wales missed the memorial for his godfather on Feb 27.

Addressing the public in the video, filmed by BBC Studios, the Princess said: “I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you personally for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst I have been recovering from surgery.

“It has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but I’ve had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which I am so grateful.

“In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London, and at the time it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous.

“The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.”

The Princess of Wales said the Prince had been a 'great source of comfort and reassurance' as she has come to terms with her diagnosis

The Princess said the Prince had been a ‘great source of comfort and reassurance’ as she has come to terms with her diagnosis CREDIT: Samir Hussein/WireImage

The Princess is now said to be on a “recovery pathway”. Kensington Palace is not sharing the type of cancer, or the stage at which it was found, citing the Princess’s right to medical privacy.

Speaking on the video, released by the Palace directly for the public to see on its social media, the Princess said of the news: “This of course came as a huge shock, and William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family.

“As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. 

“But, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be ok.

“As I have said to them, I am well and getting stronger every day by focusing on the things that will help me heal in my mind, body and spirits.

“Having William by my side is a great source of comfort and reassurance too, as is the love, support and kindness that has been shown by so many of you. It means so much to us both.”

Prince and Princess of Wales Christmas Card

Catherine said it had ‘taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them’ CREDIT: Matt Porteous

In a renewed plea for privacy, and a message of hope for others who are also facing cancer treatment, the Princess added: “We hope that you will understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment.

My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now I must focus on making a full recovery.

“At this time, I am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. For everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone.”

The Princess has been away from public duties since Christmas Day, when she was seen walking to Sandringham church with her family.

She was admitted to the London Clinic on Jan 16, with the Palace issuing a statement the next day to confirm that she would be in hospital for up to two weeks and recovering in private until after Easter.

At the time, it was specified that the condition was non-cancerous and that the operation had been a success. It was only in post-operative tests that cancer was identified, and the Princess began preventative chemotherapy in late February.

A spokesman for Kensington Palace said: “The Princess is now on a recovery pathway, having commenced a course of preventative chemotherapy”, adding that she had wanted to share the information “when she and the Prince felt it was right for them as a family”.

The family will not be attending church at Easter. The Princess will return to official duties when she has clearance from her medical team. The Prince will be back to a schedule of public engagements in mid-April, after the Easter holiday.

The spokesman said: “The Princess will return to official duties when she is cleared to do so by her medical team. She is in good spirits and is focused on making a full recovery. 

The Prince will continue to balance supporting his wife and family and maintaining his official duties, as he has done since the start of the year.”

Asked for further details about the condition or operation, the spokesman said: “We will not be sharing any further private medical information. The Princess has a right to medical privacy, as we all do.”

The Princess’s cancer diagnosis follows that of the King. His diagnosis was also made in post-operative tests, and confirmed in a public statement on Feb 6. He had had a procedure for the symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

The King and Queen are aware of the Princess’s diagnosis, and that she was releasing a message to the public.

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As I am sure you are aware, I have a far greater intimacy with cancer than I would wish and a tendency to read a great deal about the subject and also have, to a greater and sometimes lesser amount, run a somewhat unofficial helpline.

As a result of this, I have been following the health issues of Covid & Lockdown and have increasingly become aware that it was a Political issue. Whether it was orchestrated by corrupt political interests only listening to Medical Charletons acting as Yes Men.
OR: stunningly stupid Politicians with delusions as to their importance surrounded by Medical advisors acting only for money and notoriety.

It is now largely beyond doubt that Covid was just a somewhat more sophisticated flu virus of little consequence to the young and the fundamentally fit. There was at the time and it has been statistically supported that Lockdowns achieved very little in Covid terms and a great deal of damage in other areas.

It is now, as I said at the time, pointless wearing a mask in medical terms and was akin, minded of the size differential of the virus and the weave, akin to wearing 2-inch chicken mesh as a mosquito net!

It has also been proven that the greatest problems of the lockdown and control of the NHS was utterly crass and hugely damaged the health and outcome for all. It was clear the management of so-called ‘Nightingale Hospitals’ was stunningly and predictably pointless.

£Billions were squandered to Net Zero gain, just as the Global self-styled elite seem determined to destroy Civilisation with their staggering dishonesty regarding Anthropogenic Climate Change, CO2, Climate Crisis, Biomass Fuels, EVs, Renewable Energy and the rest of the WOKE drivel they are promoting and so fraudulently lie about.

We have all learned a great deal about the folly of believing the self selected elites in all sorts of areas, be it the corrupted concept of democracy the utter corruption of the Church of England with its cult version of what was Christianity, the damaging destruction of the Qoran by extremist islamists and the obscene interpretation of many of its suras by corrupt self-serving mullahs. The BBC as an organ of the Government, funded in many ways as a theft from our taxes – The Blob has, in every area of our lives brought shame on themselves and those the purport to lead.

We have learned not to trust as possibly one of the two lessons we learn from history – the other being that we learn nothing from history!

But these serial dishonesties of those in authority and with pretence to power, inevitably gives rise to questioning. Minded that Britain’s death rate was very little effected by Covid and the average age of death of those who died of Covid was 82, when the average age of death for the public at large was 81! It is also an open secret that the official policy led to a disproportionate level of mortality amongst those in Care Homes, a situation that should have led to charges of corporate manslaughter by our authorities at very least.

The situation, where we now know that some 7,000 extra cancer deaths amongst unexpectedly young people, the additional numbers being predominantly abdominal cancers amongst those under 50. Besides these 20 extra deaths we should also consider the notable increase in the levels of death from various heart problems, also amongst unusually young people.

It is widely believed, with a very authoritative body of evidence, that Covid was NOT the disease nor  did it originate from the sources claimed and the Vaccines were dangerous and inadequately tested and thus were unsafe.

I am forced to ask, as she is both young and fit and NOT in a group likely to have abdominal cancer – had Princess Cathrine The Princess of Wales, in good faith accepted Vaccine injections, as part of the National programme that has so clearly damaged, destroyed and in some cases killed those who were vaccinated.

I am of the opinion that Catherine may well, if not probably, be co-lateral damage!

As a long term cancer victim having had many instances and types of cancer, having reached 78 when I commenced my journey/ fight with this pernicious disease for 27 years – I was 51 when my journey started, with major surgery, chemo therapy, radio therapy and many operative procedures and other treatments.

I offer my example in the hope that it gives some encouragement, not just to Princess Cathrine and King Charles but also to the many 1,000s who have cancer and the 1,000s who are diagnosed every year – You can survive and if I can offer a couple of points that have helped me – Face the problem/challenge with humour, laugh at the enormity of ones fear and try to carry on your life with as little change as possible, accept the help of those who have dedicated their lives to care for cancer, accept any and all treatments offered to you by your qualified and dedicated hospital based oncologist specialists.

DO NOT risk your lives with the quackery of homeopathy or alternative medicines – during the last 27 years I have been in contact with an unfortunate number of cancer patients who have, seemingly selected, suicide – several who have visited Mexican and other centres that claim they can cure you similarly many a Charlatan in Britain who have led to so many deaths. There is even one such crew in Bristol where their death rate has been almost 100% and their sole achievement has been bright orange corpses who were duped into thinking they would be saved by drinking carrot juice!

I wish Catherine, Charles and all others with cancer a full recovery and a healthy long and normal life.

As Princess of Wales reveals diagnosis, doctors warn of mysterious cancer ‘epidemic’

The disease is affecting fit, younger people more often – and researchers do not yet understand why

Abdominal cancers are on the rise in the under-45s, doctors say CREDIT: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Science Photo Library

Leading doctors have warned of a mysterious new “epidemic” of abdominal cancers in younger people.

Following the Princess of Wales’s announcement of her diagnosis on Friday, specialist clinicians have said that in recent years they have seen a significant increase in under-45s presenting with cancers typically seen in older patients.

Many are fit and outwardly healthy, prompting a scramble among scientists to establish what is causing the trend.

One study that looked at data from Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2019 found the rate of early-onset cancers increased by 20.5 per cent, the equivalent of about 7,000 extra cases a year across the UK.

These cancers include those that come under the umbrella term “abdominal”.

The Princess has not revealed what type of cancer she is receiving treatment for. However, her statement on Friday said it was discovered following abdominal surgery in January.

‘They’re not thinking about cancer’

Prof Andrew Beggs, a consultant colorectal surgeon and a senior clinical fellow at the University of Birmingham, runs a clinic for cancer patients under the age of 45.

“When I started as a cancer surgeon 20 years ago, you rarely saw any younger patients, but now I see them regularly,” he said.

“When they turn up they are shocked, because often they haven’t had any symptoms and because of their age they are not thinking about cancer.”

“It’s a huge thing to get your head round at that age and of course many have young children,” he added. “My thoughts are with Kate and her family. It must have hit them like a bus.”

The Princess speaking in a garden, sitting on a bench, wearing a Breton jersey
The Princess of Wales revealed her diagnosis in a video message released on Friday

There is significant confusion among researchers as to what might be causing the trend, although most agree it is unlikely to be down to a single factor. Some scientists believe the cause may be partly genetic.

Roughly one in a hundred people carry the BRCA gene – made famous by Angelina Jolie – which causes breast and ovarian cancers, while roughly one in 350 are affected by Lynch syndrome, a hereditary cause of bowel, womb, ovary and pancreatic cancers.

An increase in survival rates among people with these genes means, at a population level, the likelihood of having them is going up.

Researchers are also beginning to turn their sights on possible changes to the microbiome to explain the trend.

The composition of gut bacteria – as a result of dietary or other environmental factors – can influence inflammation levels, which in turn may increase the risk of cancer.

However, despite growing theoretical enthusiasm, scientists are hindered by the difficulty in conducting the necessary long-term cause-and-effect studies needed to draw a link between what people eat and their risk of the disease.

Greater awareness of cancer

A greater general awareness of cancer and desire to get symptoms checked out is likely to play a part in the rise of documented cases.

Dr Shivan Sivakumar, associate professor in oncology at the University of Birmingham, agreed with Prof Beggs: “There is an epidemic currently of young people getting cancer (under 50s).

“It is unknown the cause of this, but we are seeing more patients getting abdominal cancers.”

Models based on global data predict that the number of early-onset cancer cases will increase by around 30 per cent between 2019 and 2030, a markedly faster increase than the previous 30 years.

Cancer Research UK is among prominent research funding-bodies across the world supporting programmes to better understand early-onset cancer.

Michelle Mitchell, its chief executive, said: “High profile cancer cases often act as a prompt to encourage people to find out more or think about their own health.

“If people spot something that’s not normal for them or isn’t going away, they should check with their GP.

“It probably won’t be cancer. But if it is, spotting it at an early stage means treatment is more likely to be successful.”

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