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The ways of Governance, by Grifters for Power, Wealth, Greed or Superstitions! …


Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins
GregLW            GL-W
GLW Documents


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Che Guevara was in some ways a reasonable idol to have, but for a wealthy young man, son of a Doctor, he somewhat reminds me of the gullible and naive idiots from Just Stop Oil, who tend to know NOTHING about Climate Change & are still foolish enough to, not only believe mankind could have the slightest material control over our planet’s weather let alone its climate!

As for the ill informed dullards having been duped into the belief Oil is in some way a Fossil fuel!!!


Fidel Castro was not wrong in hunting Che down and having him executed, be minded he was swanning around South America on his motorbike looking for trouble and bounty. Castro realised he would come back to Cuba and try to take over!

Now consider the irresponsible destruction of Western Civilisation that Net Zero will achieve, in regard to the Climate Change/Global Warming FRAUD – There is not one shred of peer-reviewed, ethical or plausible scientific provenance that mankind has had ANY effect on our planet’s climate & even less that CO2 alters Climate, particularly as currently in Earth’s 4.5 Billion years of history CO2 is dangerously low. Only 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere or 400 Parts Per Million, when for much of Earth’s history it has been over 8,000PPM and as CO2 is the great essential for plant growth, which dies at below 200PPM we are quite near the edge!

– Temperatures are NOT materially altering, there are less storms, droughts and floods than 100 years ago and there is ZERO evidence of sea levels rising due to melting ice! The entire scam is a power grab by the corrupt, the unelected self-appointed grandees and stuffed shirts in the WEF, UN, WHO and other clandestine FRAUDS and greed machines.

None of which have as many votes as, astonishingly, Hamas – nor had The Stern Gang, Irgun, Hagana or the like. Be minded that the Zionists had no elected authority in 1948 when as terrorists they destroyed the King David Hotel killing 100 civilians

KING DAVID HOTEL 22-Jul-1946-01

nor had they ever had an elected mandate in The Lebanon, when they orchestrated the massacres in Shebranitsa and Shabrah.


Foolishly we permit unelected terrorist organisations and many who have been fraudulently and corruptly elected even, to dominate our future and even our present.

What is the legitimacy of the self styled state of Israel to destroy and dominate Palestine – other than as a single Free State with equal rights from The Jordan River to The Sea granted by The British victory over Turkey and The Middle East that led to Sir Arthur Balfour’s Declaration of 1917:


Thus it is clear that the conquered Region known as Palestine was granted, by Britain, the status of a Free Country from The River Jordan to the Mediterannean Ocean, Free for ALL creeds, colours, superstitions and of now, to hold the same rights and privileges, including voting rights to self determination.

These rights and status was reconfirmed in Sir Winston Churchill’s letter copied below  :


other than the various murders and terrorist killings in 1947 & 1948 by Zionist Terrorists. Read the FACTS see: Consider the illegitimacy in representing free people of The UN, WHO, WEF, BLM, Weather Underground, Black Panthers and the leaders of such superstitions as Catholicism, The Church of England, Islamism, Hindi, Communism, Marxism, Judaism, Zoroastrouism, Greek nor Russian Orthodoxy not one has an elected leader representing the best interests of a group of people they are ALL led by the Power crazed corporate leaders some are without a doubt little more than terrorist organisations with control of power or seeking such!

Many are no more than a corrupt, self-appointed grab for power on a global basis such as The WEF, WHO, Islamism, Communism, and their odious fellow travellers, all seeking caliphates, empirates, colonies or kingdoms – or merely dominance, and all, in one form or another, prepared to inflict pain, misery, starvation slaughter and destruction on their rivals and the innocent.
– look at it in its simplest form
– as with Net Zero’s fraud or the myths of slavery demanding reparations for those who benefitted from slavery on both sides of the fence.
Just look at the facts:
Without African tribes enslaving their enemies there would have been no slaves to buy or sell from Africa! – so ANY reparations should be paid by those same Blacks who treated each other as chattels.
Musa Mansa alone took 6,000 of his own slaves from Mali on his pilgrimage to Mecca. The Islamists of The Middle East, The Swahile, Egypt and North Africa left no descendants to even try to claim reparation as they bore no offspring as the Islamists castrated ALL their male slaves purchased from Africa! Just as did the forces of Ethiopia with regard to their Italian prisoners immediately prior to WWII – I hear no offers of financial restitution from the peoples, let alone the state of Ethiopia!
All too often the truth is more complex than the grifter on the make and the take would have you believe, whether that is in regard to Climate Change, CO2, Fossil Fuel, power, taxation, slavery, castration or reparations – the empirate of the Grifter!
YOU may find further links, WebSites and facts which I publish on the internet of interest and help.


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Regarding TWITTER:

From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
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But, Seemingly they lacked the integrity or competence
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PRESUMABLY I told the Truth or Used a fact
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As the corrupt & biased owners no longer use their lies,
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I have rejoined by deleting my provably accurate
TWITTER BAN 04-July-2022
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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &amp; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!