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To The Utter Shame of New Zealand & The UN – Jacinda Ardern admits the damage she has done and aims to continue to do mankind! …


Posted by:

Greg Lance – Watkins
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The Climate Grifters, Control Freaks, Abusers
& Net Zero Oil Fraudsters


May I congratulate Jacinda Ardern for this comprehensive description of not just her own dangerous and demented corruption, but she has made it clear there is an insidious and evil cult behind her vile behaviour.
A cult founded largely around the WEF, where those with the greatest potential for evil become Young Leaders for further training, as to how to work to destroy liberty, freedom, initiative, patriotism and so much more.
Jacinda Ardern had further training working under the guidance of Tony Blair before being turned loose on he own Country, where now, as a result of her damaging control, she was so hated she realised she had to resign or destroy her party, on which the WEF depends for further damage globally. 
Now it may interest you to note she has inveigled her way into association with the gullible and naive Prince William and his hapless father, King Charles III – both so easily manipulated by surrounding them with flattery and YES Men, as both are as thick as a brick and all too willingly regurgitate the lies of the speeches written for them by the likes of Jacinda Ardern.
Just listen to the skill with which Ardern’s own speech describes exactly how the evil is spread and how the WEF, EU, WHO, UN, Bilderbergers, and the puppets and muppets they have put in place implement and drive forward their globalist plans, buying rafts of scientists bereft of integrity, but all too willing to prove any lie for money!
Let me ask YOU, just a few questions to aid your understanding.
Have you been told time and again that the World Climate is changing?
Yet we ALL know that during the last 4.5 Billion years not only has our global weather changed irregularly but constantly, we are on a rock hurtling through space linked to our local star which controls our climate, based on its output of energy which varies and on the position and tilt of our orbit, none of which could we alter, were every individual on the planet to co-operate in some helter-skelter madness of Net Zero and the self-destruction of not using the second commonest fluid on planet earth – Oil.
Our last ice age ended, for no apparent reason, around 12.5K years ago and temperatures have slowly risen, a ‘blip’ we still do not understand brought an end to the Bronze Age around 5K years ago possibly a plate tectonic shift and a period of immense rain. Currently, as a result of that our climate has led to slight but steadyish temperature rises with a high during the Roman era and again in the Medieval era, then temperature fell by around 4.5C and we are still cooler, though it is possible, though we have no ability to accurately measure global temperature, nor gas contents of our atmosphere it SEEMS as though, from the current dangerously low level of CO2 we MAY be fortunate and see % grow from the frighteningly low level current and it is likely as there has been a general ‘greening’ of the planet since around 1840.
With our largely static temperature – as most human deaths are caused by lack of meat and excess of cold an increase in temperature will greatly benefit us, and higher levels of CO2 which FOLLOWS temperature rises, will lead to greater levels of vegetation and more food for herbivores, greatly aiding omnivores and carnivores like mankind. Beware the global power grab of the greedy and self-serving WEF, UN, EU, WHO and their ilk – edged on by a small but obscenely wealthy elite. Make sure you question every step of the way as they try to confine you in THEIR box!

One can clearly understand why New Zealand was on the point of tossing this dangerous puppet of The WEF out and condemning her Party to the wilderness for generations to come – she cut and ran for the sake of NZ, sadly she has dragged her dangerous doctrine onto the world stage to help destroy civilisation.

There is absolutely zero scientific evidence to support the fear tactics of the Climate Crisis, invented to control people and governance.

There has been a global reduction over the last 100 years, of deaths AND destruction by climate, never in history has mankind fed itself so well, and never have humans increased life expectancy, so much. Despite the claims of melting ice – not a single member of the unelected UN can show a single square foot of land on the planet that has become inundated by rising sea levels – nor a single storm that is out of the norm of weather fluctuations.

Yes, our climate is inexorably changing and has done for 4.6 billion years!

We are presently in the warming phase that has brought us out of the ice age approximately 12,500 years ago. Throughout history. Just as our atmosphere has changed on an irregular cycle during the planet’s life. Currently, we have around1/5th as high a percentage of CO2 as during the last great ice age, thus if the fantasies and fraud of the proponents of mankind’s responsibility for climate change had a shred of evidence just how do they explain the paucity of CO2 today with around 0.04% of the atmosphere being CO2, of which all of mankind produce around 0.03% of the total – clearly that CO2 causes global heating is utter bunkum!

Jacinda Ardern is just another evil puppet of the vile undemocratic WEF scam, and its Young Leaders Training – This woman brazenly stands on a world stage and lists, one after another, the lies, distortions and scams she and the WEF aim to impose on mankind to control liberty and destroy democracy and freedom of speech – the likes of this evil woman, Tony Blair, Bill Gates, and their odious clones are the greatest danger mankind faces.

Such a pity that the Climate Grifters & Oil fraudsters, the likes of Klaus Schwab, Boris Johnson, Tony Blair, Jacinda Ardern, Al Gore, Charles III, John Kerry, David Cameron, Sad little Prince William and his pathetic hen-pecked brother, Bill Gates and a host of others desperate to make a grab for control and personal power, through the likes of WEF, UN, EU, WHO to sell their Countries out and their fellow man for their own vain glory.
There is Net Zero scientific proof of any kind of Climate Crisis, absolutely no evidence that Oil is likely to run out or cause major problems on earth in its use. Hence every one of these Charlatans swan around in Private Jets and motorcades and none of whom seem remotely bothered by the obscene levels of oil burned in warfare, for their own glory.
Just consider the 1,000s of delegates at Davos, UN, WEF, Bilderberg, and COP all taking flights and jollies to Green Conferences to lecture the serfs on the fraud of Climate Change – when there is absolutely Net Zero viable alternate fuel and both solar and wind power have proved beyond doubt to be non-viable alternate forms of energy!
Sadly as the fraud is exposed Charles III, Prince William, and their sycophants will, with their gullible stupidity and efforts to seem important on the world stage, cluttered with nebishes passing themselves off as self-declared Slebs will almost certainly bring an end to their ludicrous Monarchy, that Her Late Majesty the Queen did so very much to try to preserve. Do help your fellow man by exposing these self-serving bigots and bullies.
Do all you can to bring an end to the staggering stupidity of the fraud and its so very clearly damaging effects on mankind, cost of living, and farcical pomposity of Politicians, as they bring the planet to its knees with their mismanagement!
Just stop for a second and look at the levels of debt being created and the utterly impossible ability to fund global borrowing, with World Health Services in collapse, Trust in medicine and Vaccines destroyed by their own lies, greed, and self-importance, Welfare being unaffordable and increasing inability to cope with the mass waves of migration our Politicians and Prattling Princes and business leaders have shown they are absolutely unable to control, with Millions around the world on the march, an invasion tide no Nation on earth can control or resist – are we to shoot 350 illegal immigrants who land on our shores, without a permit, pass or invitation – Do we shoot them on the 6pm. TV news as a deterrent to the next wave of unlawful invasion and destruction of our country and our values, our way of life, and our tax structure – just to please some unelected foreign busybody who insists we feed house and clothe them at the expense of our own homeless?
Consider the utter incompetence of our own politicians, of every persuasion who have abjectly failed to house our own people and have left so many of our veterans adrift, sleeping on the streets, yet welcome wave after wave of illegal immigrants invading OUR Country – Be minded the increase in numbers imported by active recruitment from Pakistan by Blair’s corruption, has led directly with Kier Starmer’s failure in the CPS and flip-flopping of his abject lack of coherent policy to the progressive collapse of our GDP per capita, largely unpunished Muslim Rape Gangs predating underage English girls, swamped with immigrants coming here illegally exploiting the Government funded
people traffickers of the Border Force, RNLI, and Navy!
Let us not forget it has been the direct fault of our politicians that has encouraged immigrants fleeing the obscenities of Sharia Law in their own Countries to arrive here, dressed in fancy dress in refusal to assimilate who now seek to abuse OUR Justice system to proliferate their own evils & seek to force their odious superstitions on us and our schools at our expense, in every sense of the word.
We have, in Britain, been swamped with illegal immigrants and in fact, each year we have so completely given up that our anti-British Politicians have permitted a greater illegal invasion than that which came with William The Bastard in 1066 in an invasion of Normans and EVERY invasion since!
Yes – every year we now tolerate (or fail to tolerate) a greater invading army of illegal immigrants of other cultures and none than invaded in the last entire Century – Little wonder our economy is in collapse, our Pensions failing and GDP per Capita guarantees a future in accelerating collapse and failure.
Little wonder our army has collapsed to 70,000 soldiers our Airforce barely has a fighting Wing our Aircraft Carriers lack planes and our Navy has too few ships and under 30,000 sailors to put to sea!
Who is there left with pride in our Nation when Labour make a career of denigrating Patriotism and no party offers solutions nor a future, merely personal greed based on endless criticism of the Party opposite & denigration of the overblown Civil Service – OF COURSE kids don’t wish to join our Military they have ZERO reason to be other than ashamed. Our Civil Servants are even unwilling to turn up to work & pretend to work from home.
Our Police no longer do their duty solving crime nor even policing schools as they are far too busy parading at events for perverts and the Anti-British.
Little wonder our Army, Navy & Airforce can’t recruit and our teachers all take time off with stress, our Doctors are on strike, although well paid, and we would be well advised to fire every rail driver and start again on viable salaries equating to those of bus drivers.
IF the rail services can’t recruit, at other than inflated wages, obviously we will with ease do without railways – they serve little purpose with a fraction of the workforce going to work and a Country awash with illegal immigrants in hotels! Whilst our Veterans sleep on the streets!

To View the Original Article CLICK HERE


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