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Tucker Carlson & Mark Epstein Discuss the Murder of Jeffrey Epstein! …


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EPSTEIN, Mark 02



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it’s interesting to learn who Jeffrey

Epstein hung around with while he was

alive people who flew on his airplane

people who stayed on his private island

in the Caribbean those who had dinner at

his home on Fifth Avenue in New York and

to some extent those names are coming

out not all of them but we know a lot of

the people who were in Jeffrey Epstein’s

life and we have for several years now

but on another level that whole story

seems like a bit of a sideshow because

it doesn’t answer the main Mysteries

surrending Jeffrey Epstein’s life or

death and there are three of them almost

none of which is ever discussed in the

media the first is who did Jeffrey

Epstein work for what did Jeffrey

Epstein do for a living and on whose

behalf we don’t know the second question

is where did all the money come from

hundreds of millions of dollars that

passed through his hands over many years

and where is it now we don’t know that

either and the third question may be the

most pressing of all which is what

happened to Jeffrey Epstein on August

10th 2019 he was found dead in the

federal Correction Facility in Manhattan

in one of the most secure places in the

world did he kill himself as the

government has claimed ever since or was

he murdered well the overwhelming

evidence suggest that he was in fact

murdered and that the US government

including the Attorney General of the

United States covered up that murder

these are the questions that matter most

and they’re exactly the ones not being

addressed in the news media why is

that we decided to speak to someone who

has insight into this question and that

is Jeffrey Epstein’s only surviving

relative his name is Mark Epstein he was

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother separated by

18 months he’s a successful real estate

developer in New York and he’s very

concerned for his own safety so the

interview that follows is one that you

will listen to rather than see Mark

Epstein refused to appear on camera but

we think what he has to say is worth

hearing here it

is do you think your brother killed

himself not now no when I first heard he

was dead from suicide I had no reason to

doubt it so I accepted that but then

after the autopsy and after Bill Bob

made that asinine statement I said this

was not a

suicide um but when you first heard the

news you were not you thought it was a

possibility that he killed himself yeah

I accepted it as a fact I heard it on

the news the government didn’t notify me

as they said I heard it on CNN in the

morning of the 10th and you’re his only

Survivor you’re the only surviving

relative yes yes he has no children and

our parents are gone and there’s no

other siblings when did you start to

think that he did not kill himself well

after the autopsy and the both

Pathologists the city pathologist and Dr

B came out of the autopsy and they said

this this doesn’t look like a suicide it

looks more like a

homicide so what did you do that well I

okay I figured we have to look into this

and see what’s going on were you shocked

that he might have been killed uh it

came as a surprise yeah so as his only

surviving relative what did you do to

find out what happened to him well I

started to inquire about what took place

you know the justice department uh was

supposedly investigating the initial


certificate uh said pending uh when it

said cause of death which means pending

further investigation yes so but then a

few days later it was declared a suicide

by the Chief pathologist who who was not

at the autopsy and uh the questions

became what investigation was done in

such a short period of time to make her

determine it was a suicide or was she

basing it on Bill Bar’s statement and

who who was the chief pathologist who

made that declaration uh Dr

Roman that was the the pathologist who

was there no no no that was uh oh Samson

Barbara Samson was the chief pathologist

Dr Roman did the actual autopsy with Dr

B so Barbara Samson is the person who

declared it officially a suicide and she

was not as you said at the autopsy I

mean she was not president for it

correct and you know when they call it a

suicide they stop investigating because

if there’s a suicide there’s really

nothing to investigate right if it’s a

suicide because somebody killed

themselves case closed so that’s how

they can just sort of cover it up they

never they never did an investigation

they didn’t never interviewed the EMTs

that were called to the jail they never

interviewed the hospital Personnel where

his body was was shipped they they I

can’t get any answers as to what

investigation was done when I met with

the justice department people a few

months after the death every question I

asked was answered by saying after a

thorough investigation we determined it

was a suicide that was the it was like

them pleading the fifth I got the same

answer to every question I asked so um

do you have did you speak to Barbara

Samson the official who ruled this as no

I haven’t been able to get to her oh she

never called you no so in um in her

public explanation she has been asked

about this we tried to reach out to her

she refused to speak to us um for

reasons we don’t understand uh but in

her official explanation she suggested

that she ruled it a suicide effectively

overruling the Judgment of the people

who actually were form the autopsy

because your brother had attempted


previously yeah but that’s been shown to

be false uh you can listen to David

shown his attorney on the podcast the

crime waves podcast he explains that

Jeff was attacked by his cellmate but he

didn’t want to report it as such because

he was afraid of

retaliation um but every news account of

his initial injuries in the in the weeks

before his death said that he had tried

to kill himself in in a Cell he was

found in fetal position on the floor

after a failed suicide attempt etc etc

well you know once somebody says that

then everyone one picks up the same

story and then it becomes you know the

truth just because it’s been repeated so

many times but the fact is he was not he

did not attempt suicide that first time

so if he didn’t try and kill himself the

first time then the medical examiner had

no basis to declare this a suicide

exactly exactly plus there’s reasons why

he wouldn’t kill himself then he had a

hearing scheduled for uh to appeal the

bail decision coming up in a few days

and uh the bail was being uh

increased so there’s a chance he could

have got Bail even as unpalatable as

that might have been to some people you

know in the United States you’re

entitled to bail under certain certain

conditions but um you know so I could

see if he went for the hearing for bail

and it was denied then I can see him

taking himself out if he didn’t want to

spend a year in jail waiting for a trial

yeah but not a few days before that

makes no sense in all the in your

conversations with him and in your

conversations with the people who were

in contact with him the final weeks of

his life was there any indication or all

that he was suicidal at any point no I

had no conversations with him once he

was arrested I I spoke to him the day

before he was arrested and he actually

called me from Paris just the usual you

know how you doing kind of phone call

and the next day his attorneys called me

and told me he was arrested that was the

last time I spoke with him I didn’t

speak to him or see him while he was in

jail but having spoken to his lawyers

and and people whom he communicated with

from jail did anybody say that he seems

no everybody was shocked that it was a

suicide nobody thought he was going to

kill himself nobody thought he would do

that so what’s interesting is that the

Attorney General of the United States at

the time attorney general bar uh said

publicly and then wrote in his Memoir

that he had concluded conclusively that

this was a

suicide based on two pieces of evidence

one the medical examiner the the person

who performed the

autopsy declared it a suicide which is a

lie that didn’t happen and two because

he had viewed the

videotape at the entrance to the tier to

the cell block where your brother was

being held what do you make of that

explanation well when when I heard B

statement that he said he personally saw

the videotape and he concluded it was a

suicide because nobody would in her out

I that’s when it hit me that he’s

covering this up because there’s two

sort of fallacies in that one I thought

why is the Attorney General of the

United States who I imagine to be a busy

guy why is he personally watching the

videotape couldn’t he have two people in

his office watch the videotape and say

hey Bill nobody went in or out you know

wouldn’t that suffice and two to assume

that somebody could get to that door go

inside you know kill somebody get out

completely undetected is just ridiculous

because I believe there are six levels

of security right before you get to that

door so to assume that somebody could do

it that way is crazy and any third grade

investigator will tell you that you know

there was anywhere from 7 to 14 people

on the other side of that door on the

tier that could have killed somebody

right and I had been told from another

source I’ve been getting a lot of

information from all sources that cell

doors were left unlocked that night I

don’t know how many cell doors or who

cell doors but if if Cell doors were

left unlocked then somebody could have

went into Jeff’s cell killed them went

back into their cell undetected now in

the Justice Department uh report it says

that from three cells you could see

Jeff’s cell door but if you look at the

photographs of the tier there’s tiny

windows in the cell doors so in order to

see Jeff’s cell door from another cell

you’d have to be standing at that window

inside the other cells in the middle of

the night looking towards Jeff’s cell

and if somebody crept low beneath the

height of that window you wouldn’t see

them so the fact that you know to say

that he could be seen from three other

cells and they didn’t see anything well

chances are the other prisoners were

sleeping in those cells if they had

nothing to do with it so again it it

it’s just like a cover up line right so

in other words the Attorney General said

that nobody moved on to the cell block

according to the videotape but that is

irrelevant because if your brother was

murdered he was almost certainly

murdered by someone who was already on

the cell block exactly right so um given

that and it’s obvious and logical when

you think about it for about 10 seconds

the identities of the other inmates on

that cell block are critical your

brother was alone in his cell right um

so any one of those inmates could have

killed your brother do we know who they

were no I can’t find out who they were

it’s uh there was anywhere there were

seven other cells each with one or two

people in them yes which means there

either anywhere from seven to 14 people

other than my brother on the tier that

night I don’t know who they are or I I

know one that guy tag Leone who was

Jeff’s soulmate for a while uh he was

there and he was there for a long time

so uh if if Jeff was killed it’s a

possibility that somebody was planted in

there selors were left unlocked and then

from what I understand a number of

prisoners would transferred off of that

tier after the death so if somebody was

planted he killed Jeff and a day or two

later he’s transferred out and he

disappears Into The Ether I don’t know

who the prisoners were I’d like to find

out who they are and where are they now

so there’s of course a record of this

these are federal inmates in a facility

run by the Department of Justice the

Bureau of Prisons overseen by the

Department of Justice so it’s not like

nobody knows who they were no they have

to have a record right but they will not

release that to you I haven’t been able

to get anything right let’s go down um

the chain of documents that might

explain this mystery um so the first

would be the records of the First

Responders the EMTs who arrived at the

scene and moved your brother’s body from

the cell to no that’s what I had thought

but when I spoke to an EMT when they got

to the prison Jeff was already in the

infirmary they the prison people moved

him to the infirmary which they were not

supposed to do because when he was found

he was clearly dead the autopsy showed

he was dead for at least 2 hours before

he was found so at that point they’re

supposed to leave the body and call the

medical examiner’s office so they can

come take photographs do the initial

testing whatever they do when they find

a dead body but that wasn’t done they

moved him to the infirmary and uh they

moved his corpse to the infirmary but

notified nobody else well uh 911 call

was made to get the EMTs and we can’t

get a copy of the 911 call which is you

know we hear 911 calls for all sorts of

other cases this one seems to be missing

uh when they got there he was in the

infirmary and he was clearly dead

because like I said he had been dead for

2 hours and there was a

photograph of him being wheeled out of

the prison where he was intubated you

know squeezing an air bulb to try to get

you know so I was questioning why are

they trying to put you know pump into

into a clearly dead body you know were

they trying to make it look like he was

alive so that he could be declared dead

in the hospital because what what I’ve

been told normally when they find dead

bodies in the prisons they want to ship

them to the hospital so they declared

dead in the hospital because an

Unwritten rule is nobody dies in prison

they didn’t want to deal with so he ship

him to the hospital where he declared

dead and when I questioned the EMT why

they were intubating him I said because

he was dead for at least two

hours the response I got was how do you

know that it was a kind of a strange


but I knew that from the

autopsy so we don’t know who moved him

out of the cell no the no person has

come forward to say I moved this corpse

from the cell no also told that in the

infirmary and in the hospital there was

somebody with a handheld video camera

all the time running videotaping

everything where are those

tapes that’s another question despite

the fact that your brother was dead in

his cell and had been dead for two hours

atast at least two hours at least two

hours somebody cut off his clothing and

redressed the corpse in hospital scrubs

in a gown yeah I have a photograph of

him uh in a hospital gown on a gurny in

a hospital where you know his arms were

put through the sleeves it’s one of

those gallons you tie in the back so the

question becomes you know who decided to

dress a dead body in a hospital gown

normally they’re either in a body bag or

covered in by a

sheet that’s bizarre yes and four and a

half years later you have no answers at

all on any of these questions none none

and I’ve tried to get the the PCR report

or the ACR report which is the report

that the EMTs fill out on every call

they make it’s just their record keeping

system and these are filed with the fire

department and uh as the video I sent

you showed they have no record of

it so there are essentially no records

of what happened at all there’s no

videotape the cameras were broken the

guards were supposed to be keeping watch


asleep they were convicted of lying but

then they were pardoned by a judge later

Apparently one still works for the

federal government I believe so

yes um I tried to talk to the gods they

I couldn’t get to them I tried to

contact them through their attorneys and

I couldn’t get to

them um okay so then there was famously

an investigation into this overseen by

the department of

Justice’s head

investigator where’s that well they came

out with a report you know a few months

ago and uh for four years we’ve been

trying to find out what position his

body was in when it was found and we

couldn’t get an answer to that either

but in the report it described how he

was found it said that he was in a

seated position with his legs extended

in front of him and he was hanging from

the top bunk so if you if you picture

that you know uh basically all of his

body weight or most of his body weight

was hanging by this sose around his neck

or the ligature around his neck he had

some weight on his feet but the bulk of

his 180 some pounds was

hanging uh and they said when they cut

him down with tore him down his buttock

was an inch or an inch and a half above

the ground again which means his body

weight was on his

neck now if somebody’s hanging like that

the The Noose or lure would right up

high on the neck and go high behind your

ears to to where it was tied to but uh

the autopsy photographs show that the

liat J mark on Jeff’s neck is in the

middle of his neck and go straight back

as if someone put a rope around his neck

and strangled him like Carlo and The

Godfather in the car or the electrical

cord to a or electrical cord or whatever

was there but doesn’t look like the

fabric from a bed

sheet so if um it seems clear just from

the photographs of his autopsy that he

was strangled with say a cord wouldn’t

you test that cord for his DNA yeah

nobody know seems to know where that is

also the way they said he was hanging

and again he had to be there for at

least 2 hours

when you die the blood in your body

settles to the gravity takes the blood

down to the lowest parts of your body

and they become blotchy from the uh

blood pooling Under the Skin So the back

of his legs and his buttocks should have

what’s called lividity they should have

this blotchiness like bruising look on

the back of his legs and his buttocks

the autopsy photograph show that his

legs are clean

clear so he couldn’t have been hanging

that way for more than you know for Two

Plus hours he’d have blood pooling in

his legs that’s not the case so did the

report explain the discrepancies from

the autopsy that bones in his neck were

broken that are not seen in hangings but

are seen in strangulations yeah those

broken bones are not they’re seen in

strangulations but because he had three

bones it’s also from a karate chop to

the neck will break bones like that and

that seems to be what I’ve spoken to

military people a preferred way of

killing people is you karate chop them

in the neck really hard you collapse

their windpipe and that disorients them

and incapacitates them and then usually

they just break their neck or you can

strangle them so the the brakes in his

neck are more consistent with a karate

job then a soft what’s called a soft

hanging you know when you tie something

around your neck and you sit down or

hang yourself from something s like you

know unfortunately Robin Williams or

Andre you know Bain was it who killed

himself right those are soft hangings as

opposed to you know Brooks in the sh

Shank Redemption who stood on a chair

and sort of jumped off that’s a hard

hanging that will snap the bones in your

neck but that wasn’t what happened with

Jeff so Dr Michael Baden who

participated was present at the

autopsy um has participated in like over

a thousand autopsies of prison deaths I

have never seen three fractures like

this in a suicidal hang

going over over a thousand jail hangings

suicides in the New York City state

prisons over the past 40 50 years no one

had three

fractures his fairly firm conclusion is

that this was not a suicide is that

correct yes yeah he was holding off on

that determination pending determination

of how the body was found which we

finally now that they say the way the

body was found it just only shows that

it was not that way the autops he shows

it’s not that way which further

convinced Dr bden that this was not a a

hanging not a

suicide so um here’s what we wind up

with at the end of all this we wind up

with a high-profile inmate in the most

secure Federal facility in the country’s

largest city who was somehow

murdered clearly with the knowledge of

the justice department and the Attorney

General of the United States lies about

it which he

did and there’s no no reason to do that

except to cover up the crime so what

does that what does that tell us about

this oh it’s a scary thought that you

could be killed in prison by the

government yeah because again that my

life would have been a lot easier if he

committed suicide I could have put it

behind me but uh it’s obviously it’s

obvious at this point in time that he

was it was not a suicide and so means

somebody killed him so who killed him

and why right so in talking to all the

people around him or people who were

connected with him in one way or another

in the final weeks of his life have you

detected a fear in those people in

talking about

this uh no not really I don’t think

they’re fearful of anything I was the

one getting the death threats not not

them I don’t think they did why were you

getting death threats well when Jeff

died people tried to link me to his

activities in some way shape or form uh

again I I had not seen Jeff for S years

prior to his death we were in

communication we spoke we emailed but we

lived two different lives so I didn’t

know his in a circle and he didn’t know

mine uh but people tried to link us

tried to link me to his activities and I

was getting I was in contact with the

with the FBI and the New York Police

Department about the death threats and I

had at times had armed guards to when I

went to the autopsy I had armed Gods

with me to protect myself from whom from

whoever killed

Jeff but anyone who could murder someone

in a Federal Detention Facility

obviously has a lot of power yeah well I

was trying to protect myself as best as

I could

yeah do you fear for I noticed you’re

not appearing on camera you’ve asked not

to appear on camera yeah just I don’t

want to be recognized I travel a lot and

there’s no need for me this is not about

me this is about Jeff’s death did you

have any inkling at all that your

brother was involved in anything that

might get him killed by a

government no no like I said I wasn’t

involved with his day-to-day life you

know and uh you know his troubles he had

with the charges with the girls was from

the early two you know 2006 is when he

first got into trouble and he uh spent

time in jail for that well that’s that

that’s a question that’s occurred to me

I mean he went through all this whatever

you think of it

um and then he was charged again for the

same for the same things effect

right I mean from what I understand that

was going he had a non-prosecution agree

agreement with the federal government on

that when he made his plea

deal uh so he believed he was safe from

further prosecution and then he flew

home from Paris in July and they

arrested him on the same charges and his

def I believe his defense was going to

be well hey you know I have a

non-prosecution agreement with the

federal government and supposedly they

say well that was like the southern

district or some area well as far as I

know we have one federal government and

if you make a deal with the federal

government it covers the entire country

has it occurred that maybe the point of

rearr resting him on the same charges

was to get him into a facility where he

could be killed you know i’ I’ve shied

away from speculating about all of this

you know I try to stick with the facts

but that’s a

possibility um do you think other

governments might have been involved in

this not just the US government uh I I

would on the surface say no I don’t see

why I mean again I don’t know what he

was doing day to day so you know again

that’s speculation which I don’t want to

do but I don’t think so you know on the

surface I don’t see

why um what information are you still

seeking about his death well who were

the prisoners on that Ward that night

how long were they there for now

somebody was on that Ward for you know a

long time like his roommate then you

know obviously he they were implanted

there you know two years ago to kill

Jeff then so who was transferred onto

that ward in the week or two before he

was killed and and where are they now

where were they transferred to were

these real prisoners or was it a

plant have you asked the Inspector

General at the Department of Justice we

asked all these questions yes way back

when and we get no yeah after a thorough

investigation we’ve determined it was a

suicide but no one’s giv you any details

after a careful invest investigation

we’ve determined it was a suicide that’s

what I’ve been was getting from them I’m

doing to you what they were doing to me

what’s your next move well I’m still

trying to find the information I have

you know foils out to try to get the

medical reports to try to get the 911

call and just to get people thinking

about this people shouldn’t like you

said people shouldn’t uh be complacent

with the fact that somebody was killed

in a federal prison under Federal

Protection yeah and officials at the

very highest levels are lying about it

yeah and people should be aware of that

whether we ever figure out exactly what

happened I don’t know but uh I don’t

want people to think he committed

suicide because that’s not the

case Mark Epstein thank you very much




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