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I am DISGUSTED by the apparent indifference of Sadiq Khan
to Knife Crimes,
the Met. for their lax incompetence with 6 killers on CCTV,
the Courts for allowing the clearly implausible defence, etc. …


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Greg Lance – Watkins
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BADZAK, Sven 11


my thoughts are with my old friend Jasna Badzac and do be minded I have had a number of discussions with her charming & intelligent son in the time before his brutal slaughter, a gratuitous crime carried out by 6 revolting scroats who set out to kill him and his young friend in an orgy of gratuitous cowardice, as was clear from the CCTV.

I do not for one second find the attempted justification of ‘mistaken identity’, like a pack of animals these vile scum were hunting for thrills and egging eachother on to murder for fun and notoriety.

I am also disgusted the Met. failed to arrest all of them as they were known to the Police and also the Police seem to have been so lax they permitted at least one, and I believe two of them to travel, assisted and funded by their parents, to travel from London to Manchester to fly out of the UK to Ivory Coast to escape justice.

Clearly our authorities are not only incompetent and incapable of preventing 100s of 1,000s of illegal immigrants flooding into Britain with terrorists and the scum of the earth, similarlly it is clear the Polioce are incapable of sealing our borders to prevent the scum crossing our borders to flee Justice!

The authorities were probably much too busy harassing motorists and pandering to the Woke and perverts!

Yes I am angry! My thoughts will always be with Jasna for her horrendous and senseless loss, Sven was a thoroughly decent and intelligent lad with his life ahead of him.

I deeply regret Sven’s death but I also greatly regret that my country lacks the integrity to swiftly and efficiently exercise Justice, secure our borders and protect our citizens with an irrevocable death penalty for such vile cowards – who will be back on our streets in as little as 3.1/2 years (possibly within as little as 18 months, considering time served on remand!) – those who were not permitted to walk away!

Aspiring lawyer stabbed to death in mistaken identity attack, judge says as killers jailed

Drug dealers made a ‘swift’ strike lasting just eight seconds believing that the two men were rivals

BADZAK, Sven 13
Sven Badzak had just been food shopping when the group attacked CREDIT: PA

An aspiring lawyer was stabbed to death in a “brutal, savage and swift” attack lasting only eight seconds by a pair of drug dealers who were jailed for life yesterday.

‌Sven Badzak, 22, and a friend, 16, were targeted in a “gang-style attack” in Kilburn, north-west London by six men as the pair returned from a trip to Waitrose.

‌Rashid Gedel, 22, from Ilford, and Shiroh Ambersley, 23, from Wembley, repeatedly stabbed the pair because they wrongly believed them to be members of a rival gang who had strayed into their territory.

Mr Badzak suffered four injuries, one of which was fatal, and the then 16-year-old victim suffered one injury to his back which was “nearly fatal”.

Following a trial at the Old Bailey, Gedel and Ambersley were found guilty of murdering Mr Badzak in February 2021 and handed life sentences.

They were each acquitted of attempted murder of the 16-year-old but both convicted of wounding with intent.

Harvey Canavan, 19, from Maida Vale, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and unlawful wounding.

Co-defendant Lior Agbayan, 20, fled to the Ivory Coast and has not returned, jurors were told.

Shiroh Ambersley and Rashid Gedel have been jailed for life CREDIT: PA

The remaining two suspects have not been identified, the court heard.

Anthony Orchard KC, prosecuting, said: “Neither victim was a gang member or associate.

“It appears they were the unfortunate victims of mistaken identity.”

Jasna, Mr Bazdak’s mother, watched the sentencing online and said in a witness statement read aloud to the court that her son was the “kindest person to walk the earth”.

She said: “For me Sven was everything, my reason to live, my only child, more than the apple of my eye, my love, my full support, my best friend.”

Ms Badzak added: “In the aristocratic but tiny Badzak family dating back since 1168, I am the first female born after 13 generations.

“Sven was my only child and was the only successor. The world needs more like Sven.”

Harvey Canavan pleaded guilty to manslaughter CREDIT: PA

The mother of the 16 year old said in a witness statement that her son is “suffering mentally with PTSD, night terrors, flashbacks and has withdrawn completely socially”.

She added: “These people robbed me of my son and have left an empty shell behind, a damaged boy I no longer recognise.”

She said that since the jury’s verdict, a video of drill music has been uploaded online and they have had to relocate and change their names “due to ongoing threats”.

Melanie Simpson KC, defending Gedel, said the defendant “clearly expressed regret” when giving evidence.

She added that he was placed in care at the age of 13 and was in 14 different care placements in the years afterwards.

Brian St Louis KC, defending Ambersley, said: “We suggest the defendant’s offending relates to his youth, his lack of maturity and lack of supervision.”

‘Deep regret’

He added: “He has always expressed to us his deep regret that Mr Badzak died. That was never an intention that he wanted but he accepts the jury’s finding in relation to that death.”

Judge John Dodd KC called the eight-second attack “brutal and savage and swift”.

He said: “Sven Badzak was clearly a decent young man. He was 22 when you attacked and killed him.

“It’s clear that he’d done absolutely nothing wrong on that February day.”

Gedel and Ambersley were both sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 27 years for murder, and 12 years to run concurrently for wounding with intent.

Canavan was sentenced to seven and a half years in prison for manslaughter and 15 months to run concurrently for unlawful wounding.

To View the Original Article CLICK HERE


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From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &amp; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
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