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Guest Post – Stephen Tempest
MA Oxon. – Modern History 1985:
Britain’s most recent 2,700,000,000 years of history! …


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I have copied it for my readers with a link to the original and with full credit to Stephen Credit.
I have copied his entire text, and as is my won’t published his material in >BLUE<, to distinguish it from anything I may have written.
May I commend you visit ‘Quora’ where you will find much more by Stephen Tempest and many more well-informed and eminently readable authors, if you sort through the assorted standards of essays!
Stephen Tempest’s response to the Question:

What is the History of Great Britain?

The oldest part of Great Britain is the far northern coast of Scotland. It’s 2,700,000,000 years old, dating back to an era when only primitive single-celled life existed.

The oldest part of Great Britain, 2.7 billion years old.

The rest of the Scottish Highlands (and northern Ireland) is less than half as old, being formed between 1,000,000,000 and 670,000,000 years ago. It was mostly underwater at the time, being a mass of sedimentary rock, especially sandstone, that formed a seabed. Its location, as far as we can tell, was in the southern hemisphere, possibly somewhere about where Bolivia is today. Gradually, by around 520,000,000 years ago, the land emerged from beneath the sea.

In those days England and Scotland were not only separate: they were 7,000 km apart. The southern part of Great Britain (and the south of Ireland) was also lying on the seabed, but much further south: in fact, almost at the Antarctic Circle. However, this was a volcanic region. About 600,000,000 years ago there was a process of orogeny, or mountain-building. The seabed was pushed up to form a mountain chain, stretching roughly from what is now Spain to what is now England and Wales. The land was part of the continent of Gondwana.

The Cambrian Period began 541,000,000 years ago. This is when life developed from its most primitive beginnings into full-blown animals and plants; though at this stage they almost all still lived in the oceans, and the land was barren. The volcanic mountain ranges of southern Great Britain started to be eroded down again, and parts of the land were flooded. Scotland was still thousands of miles away to the north.

About 500,000,000 years ago, a landmass broke away from Gondwana and started to drift northwards, propelled by plate tectonics. After just 60 million years it had reached 30° South, the latitude of South Africa. England was part of this landmass, which has been called Avalonia by paleo-geologists. Volcanoes were active at this time; the mountains of North Wales and the English Lake District are the surviving long-extinct remains of these ancient volcanoes.

About 415,000,000 years ago a crucial event took place. The continent that England was a part of crashed into the continent that Scotland was a part of, joining the two landmasses together. The impact raised a mountain range between the two that was probably as high as the Alps are today. Scotland’s Great Glen, where Loch Ness is located, was formed during this collision.

The Great Glen; the crumple zone from when England and Scotland collided

This was the Devonian period, when sea life had evolved into great complexity, even including early sharks; and plants and insects had started to colonise the land. The united Great Britain had continued to drift northwards, and was now just south of the Equator. The climate was probably arid and desert-like away from the ocean. Volcanism continued, and the sea level fluctuated during this era, with areas of Great Britain at some times being sea-covered and at other times dry land. The formerly high mountains were gradually eroded away.

By 360,000,000 years ago, Great Britain had reached the Equator. This was now the Carboniferous period. Britain was a lush, swampy rainforest cut by large rivers. Giant ferns and trees covered the land, inhabited by scuttling lizards and dragonflies with a wingspan of more than half a metre. After many millions of years those plants became compressed into coal deposits.

Over the next 60 million years, the various continents of the world all crashed into each other, forming the single supercontinent of Pangaea. The impact caused the land to rise and fold over itself, and the rock formations of Devon and Cornwall were formed at this time. Britain ended up somewhere near the middle of the supercontinent, so the climate dried out and became arid again. During the Permian period the polar ice caps melted and Britain was flooded under shallow water for a while; when the seas receded again much of the land was left as a flat salt desert.

The Mesozoic Era – the time of the dinosaurs – began 252,000,000 years ago. Britain continued to move northwards, reaching the latitude of Mexico and northern India by the start of the Jurassic Period, and the Mediterranean by the end of that period. Pangaea broke apart during this time, and Britain found itself submerged. The muddy sea bed trapped algae and bacteria which eventually turned into North Sea oil.

North Sea oil dates back to the Jurassic period

G.L-W: There is a contention, to which I am inclined to subscribe, that this is not the source of oil, as the preponderance of oil globally, would seem to originate over 30,000 feet below the surface, and there would seem to be no sign of fossil activity and decomposition below around 16,000 feet. It is for this reason that there is a school of thought amongst oil geologists, that oil is a continuous organic creation that we have little or no understanding of!
There are many peer reviewed papers on this subject, though they are relatively well hidden as they do not suit the narrative of large financial interests!:
End of comment by G.L-W.

The sea level advanced and receded several times, leaving Britain sometimes underwater and sometimes a swampy lowland and salt marsh where dinosaurs and the first early mammals roamed. The white cliffs of Dover and the chalk downs of southern England formed at this time.

G.L-W.: When you consider the thickness of the seam of Chalk and the fact that chalk is a composite of the Carbon/Calcium from the shells of krill and crustaceans exoskeletal remains, one is immediately confronted by the immense periods during which the current landmass was under water. Be minded that Limestone is also a Carbon rock of similar origin!
The vaste amounts of Carbon locked into Chalk and Limestone gives pause for concern at the dangerously low levels of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere. Be minded that currently it is ESTIMATED that there are around 400 parts per Million of CO2 when in former times there would seem to have been around 8,000ppm! IF mankind is unfortunate and CO2 continues to diminish at around 300ppm we will show signs of CO2 scarcity that will lead to reduction of fertility of all forms of green growth and at around 200ppm life on Earth will start to fail!

An example of this is shown by the fact that nurserymen, seeking prolific germination and growth utilise equipment to generate CO2 in their enclosed spaces:

PICTURES IPhone 01 006

There is Net Zero scientific evidence that CO2 increases our planet’s temperature but a great deal of evidence that CO2 levels increase somewhere over 100 years after temperatures have risen, as higher temperatures lead to an increased release of CO2 from the oceans!
End of comment by G.L-W.

66,000,000 years ago the Mesozoic ended and the dinosaurs went extinct. By this time the continents were not too far away from their present form, although the North Atlantic was very narrow because North America was still very close to Europe (and not yet connected to South America), and India was an island drifting slowly northwards towards Asia. Between 50-60,000,000 years ago Great Britain rose back up above the sea again for the last time. It was still connected to the continent of Europe — the English Channel was mudflats and sand, but the North Sea had now formed. Modern-looking trees, grass and flowers could have been encountered by around 35,000,000 years ago.

Various geological processes continued, and by about 2,000,000 years ago Great Britain would recognisably have been in its modern form. The first hominids may have reached the islands about 800,000 years ago. However, change was still to come thanks to the Ice Ages.

About 450,000 years ago, Britain was covered by a layer of ice up to a kilometre thick, stretching as far south as London. Low sea levels meant that the North Sea was dry land at this time, but there was a huge freshwater lake in the south fed by the combined Thames, Rhine and Scheldt rivers. At some point this lake overflowed in a catastrophic flood, carving through the chalk ridge that ran across the Straits of Dover and forming a huge river running through what is now the English Channel to the Atlantic.

For much of the last half a million years Britain was covered by a thick sheet of ice

The ice melted by 424,000 years ago, and during the warm period that followed humans reached Great Britain. Stone tools have been discovered in Essex that are about 400,000 years old, along with the bones of elephants and hippopotami that had been hunted by the tool-users. It is assumed that they were members of the species Homo erectus, not modern humans.

Several more ice ages followed, and humans were forced to abandon the land again as the ice advanced and retreated. Broad, u-shaped valleys were carved out by the glaciers. The most recent period of glaciation reached its peak (the ‘Last Glacial Maximum’) 26,500 years ago, and most of Europe north of the Alps and Pyrenees was covered by ice. By around 15,000 years ago the climate had warmed again, and southern England now enjoyed a tundra climate. There are signs of human habitation returning to France, Germany and Britain as well around this time.

Low sea levels meant that when the first re-colonisers arrived in Britain as it emerged from under the ice, it was not an island. The area of the North Sea was still dry land, known today as ‘Doggerland’ (after the Dogger Bank, an area of shallow sandbanks in the sea today). It was a land of cold lagoons and salt marshes, teeming with wildlife.

The Irish Sea was probably formed around 14,000 years ago, when Ireland became a separate island. Great Britain, on the other hand was still a peninsula of Europe at this point.

Around 11,000 years ago rising sea levels began advancing over Doggerland, gradually submerging it and turning Britain into an island by about 8,500 years ago — although for a while the former Doggerland remained as an island itself. There is a theory that in 6200 BCE (more or less) an underwater landslide off the coast of Norway created a mega-tsunami which caused the final separation of Great Britain from the Continent, as well as possibly wiping out the remaining population of Doggerland. Doggerland finally slipped below the waves about 7,000 years ago (5000 BCE).

Humans had settled in Great Britain but been forced to leave again by the ice ages several times before. However, it is believed that the ancestors of the modern-day English, Scots and Welsh arrived about 15,000 to 14,000 years ago. There were probably only a few thousand of them in the entire island, using stone tools and hunting the local wildlife. Agriculture was introduced about 6,000 years ago and led to a population explosion; Britain may have reached 100,000 people during the Neolithic Revolution. Two thousand years later (2000 BCE) people were making bronze tools, the population had reached a quarter of a million, and Stonehenge was already an ancient monument.

To View the Original Article CLICK HERE



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