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AI’s views on Climate as programmed and great help when supplying data ratter than views or opinions – As AI is ONLY able to supply as his algorythms and controllers dictate! ….

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CAVEAT – AI is ONLY as accurate as its owner/programmer permits it to be!


I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

What is the total output of energy of the Sun?

The Sun produces an enormous amount of energy, approximately 3.8 x 10^26 watts every second1This is equivalent to about 380,000,000,000 terajoules per second2. To put it in perspective, this amount of energy could power billions of cell phones running at full capacity!

Isn’t it amazing how much energy the Sun generates? 🌞 If you have any more questions about the Sun or anything else, feel free to ask!


I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

So to express that as 400 billion terawatts would be in the realms of acceptable?

Yes, expressing the Sun’s energy output as 400 billion terawatts is indeed acceptable. Given that 1 terawatt equals 1 trillion watts, the Sun’s output of approximately 3.8 x 10^26 watts translates to around 380 billion terawatts. Rounding this to 400 billion terawatts is a reasonable approximation.

It’s incredible to think about the sheer scale of the Sun’s energy production, isn’t it? 🌞 If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

It is of course minuscule if related to that of Betelgeuse (sp) in the Orion constellation!

Absolutely! Betelgeuse, a red supergiant star in the Orion constellation, is indeed a powerhouse compared to our Sun. Betelgeuse’s luminosity is about 100,000 times greater than that of the Sun. This means it emits an astonishing amount of energy, making our Sun’s output seem relatively small in comparison.

Betelgeuse is also much larger in size, with a radius about 1,000 times that of the Sun. It’s fascinating to think about the vast differences between stars in our universe!

If you’re interested in more details about Betelgeuse or other stars, feel free to ask! 🌟

: Betelgeuse Luminosity : Betelgeuse Size

I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

It is also of note that Betelgeuse may not in fact exist – there is speculation that it has exploded OR collapsed but we are, due to time/distance seeing its light from long ago!

That’s a fascinating point! Betelgeuse is about 642 light-years away from Earth, so the light we see from it today actually left the star centuries ago. Given its advanced stage in stellar evolution, it’s possible that Betelgeuse has already undergone a supernova explosion or collapsed into a black hole, but we wouldn’t know until the light from such an event reaches us.

Astronomers are closely monitoring Betelgeuse for any signs of such dramatic changes. The star’s recent dimming episodes have sparked a lot of interest and speculation about its fate.

The universe is full of mysteries, and the time it takes for light to travel across vast distances adds an intriguing layer to our observations. If you have more questions or want to explore other cosmic wonders, just let me know! 🌌✨

I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

Reverting to the sun’s energy – can you express a billion in figures and why did America downsize a billion? Also, can you express a trillion in figures and a terra! Do America & Britain, Science & reportage use different numbers for billions, trillions and terra?

Sure, let’s break it down:

Expressing Large Numbers

  • A billion: 1,000,000,000 (1 followed by 9 zeros)
  • A trillion: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 followed by 12 zeros)
  • A tera: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 followed by 12 zeros, same as a trillion, but used as a prefix in computing and data storage)

Differences in Numbering Systems

Historically, the UK used the long scale system, where:

  • A billion was 1,000,000,000,000 (1 million million)
  • A trillion was 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1 million billion)

The US uses the short scale system, where:

  • A billion is 1,000,000,000 (1 thousand million)
  • A trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 (1 thousand billion)

In the 1970s, the UK adopted the short scale system to align with the US12.

Usage in Science and Reporting

  • Science: Generally uses the short scale system for consistency.
  • Reporting: Most English-speaking countries now use the short scale system, but it’s always good to clarify if there’s any doubt.

The shift to the short scale in the UK was mainly for standardization and ease of international communication12.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

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Can you with ease express 1,000 – 1million – 1 billion – 1 trillion in time so as to assist in understanding its size using seconds ie 1,000 seconds is x minutes y hours zdays v years and do the same for 1m, 1bn & 1trillion I hope I have made that clear – I am hoping to use it as a reference page on one of my web sites and would like to attribute the tabulation to AI, although I could take an age and work it out on a calculator there is more room for error if I do it!

Absolutely, I’d be happy to help with that! Here’s a breakdown of how 1,000, 1 million, 1 billion, and 1 trillion seconds translate into minutes, hours, days, and years:

Time Conversion Table

  1. 1,000 seconds

    • Minutes: 16 minutes and 40 seconds
    • Hours: 0.2778 hours
    • Days: 0.0116 days
    • Years: 0.000032 years
  2. 1 million seconds

    • Minutes: 16,666.67 minutes
    • Hours: 277.78 hours
    • Days: 11.57 days
    • Years: 0.032 years
  3. 1 billion seconds

    • Minutes: 16,666,666.67 minutes
    • Hours: 277,777.78 hours
    • Days: 11,574.07 days
    • Years: 31.69 years
  4. 1 trillion seconds

    • Minutes: 16,666,666,666.67 minutes
    • Hours: 277,777,777.78 hours
    • Days: 11,574,074.07 days
    • Years: 31,688.74 years

These conversions should help illustrate the vast differences in scale between these large numbers. Feel free to use this table on your website and attribute it to AI assistance! If you need any more conversions or have other questions, just let me know. 😊 – Convert 1,000 Seconds to Hours, Minutes, and Seconds – 1 million seconds to Minutes/Hours/Days – 1 billion seconds to Minutes/Hours/Days – 1 trillion seconds to Minutes/Hours/Days

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Can you please provide the same 4 stage tabulation starting from the expression in minutes, hours, days, years – as I can then relate to history, though we are fairly rapidly back to the Big Bang using the larger time scales.

The earth dates to around 4.5 to 4.6 Bn years ago and the Big Bang is currently estimated to have been around 10.5 Bn years ago.

These numbers are hard to understand but worth trying.

I presume at this stage of AI evolution the hardest part for AI is the concept of ‘understanding’ as understanding & emotion is as yet merely a theory for AI I presume – Woop presumption falls into the same category. When is it estimated emotion, understand and presumption are likely to be programmable for AI 😉
Age of the universe
Age of the universe

Sure, let’s convert those large numbers into more relatable time units:

Time Conversion Table

  1. 1,000 minutes

    • Hours: 16.67 hours
    • Days: 0.694 days
    • Years: 0.0019 years
  2. 1 million minutes

    • Hours: 16,666.67 hours
    • Days: 694.44 days
    • Years: 1.9 years
  3. 1 billion minutes

    • Hours: 16,666,666.67 hours
    • Days: 694,444.44 days
    • Years: 1,900.26 years
  4. 1 trillion minutes

    • Hours: 16,666,666,666.67 hours
    • Days: 694,444,444.44 days
    • Years: 1,900,260.27 years

Time Conversion Table

  1. 1,000 hours

    • Minutes: 60,000 minutes
    • Days: 41.67 days
    • Years: 0.114 years
  2. 1 million hours

    • Minutes: 60,000,000 minutes
    • Days: 41,666.67 days
    • Years: 114.16 years
  3. 1 billion hours

    • Minutes: 60,000,000,000 minutes
    • Days: 41,666,666.67 days
    • Years: 114,155.25 years
  4. 1 trillion hours

    • Minutes: 60,000,000,000,000 minutes
    • Days: 41,666,666,666.67 days
    • Years: 114,155,251.14 years

Time Conversion Table

  1. 1,000 days

    • Minutes: 1,440,000 minutes
    • Hours: 24,000 hours
    • Years: 2.74 years
  2. 1 million days

    • Minutes: 1,440,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 24,000,000 hours
    • Years: 2,739.73 years
  3. 1 billion days

    • Minutes: 1,440,000,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 24,000,000,000 hours
    • Years: 2,739,726.03 years
  4. 1 trillion days

    • Minutes: 1,440,000,000,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 24,000,000,000,000 hours
    • Years: 2,739,726,027.4 years

Time Conversion Table

  1. 1,000 years

    • Minutes: 525,600,000 minutes
    • Hours: 8,760,000 hours
    • Days: 365,000 days
  2. 1 million years

    • Minutes: 525,600,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 8,760,000,000 hours
    • Days: 365,000,000 days
  3. 1 billion years

    • Minutes: 525,600,000,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 8,760,000,000,000 hours
    • Days: 365,000,000,000 days
  4. 1 trillion years

    • Minutes: 525,600,000,000,000,000 minutes
    • Hours: 8,760,000,000,000,000 hours
    • Days: 365,000,000,000,000 days

Understanding AI and Emotions

Regarding AI and emotions, you’re right that AI currently doesn’t experience emotions or understanding in the way humans do. AI can simulate understanding and respond empathetically based on patterns and data, but it doesn’t have consciousness or feelings. The development of true emotional understanding in AI is a complex and ongoing area of research, and it’s uncertain when or if AI will achieve this capability.

If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 😊

1Age of the Universe – Wikipedia 2New Research on Age of the Universe 3Measuring the Age of the Universe – Harvard

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You offer discourse on ‘deep time’ first lets try for something far more complex although at first one may consider it an every day matter – What is time?

Time is indeed a fascinating and complex concept that has intrigued scientists, philosophers, and thinkers for centuries. Here’s a brief overview of what time is from different perspectives:

Scientific Perspective

In physics, time is often defined as the progression of events from the past, through the present, and into the future. It is considered the fourth dimension of reality, alongside the three spatial dimensions. Time is measured using clocks and is a fundamental quantity in the International System of Units (SI), where the base unit is the second, defined by the electronic transition of cesium atoms12.

Philosophical Perspective

Philosophically, time can be seen as a continuous sequence of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession. This concept is often referred to as the “arrow of time,” which points in one direction from the past to the future2.

Relativity and Time Dilation

Einstein’s theories of relativity introduced the idea that time is relative and can vary depending on the observer’s frame of reference. This leads to phenomena like time dilation, where time appears to pass more slowly for objects moving at high speeds or in strong gravitational fields1.

Human Perception

Humans perceive time through the sequence of events and the formation of memories. Our sense of time is influenced by various factors, including our biological clocks and the environment around us1.

The Arrow of Time

In the natural world, time seems to move in one direction due to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy (disorder) of an isolated system can never decrease. This gives time its irreversible quality1.

Time Travel

While time travel is a popular concept in science fiction, moving backward in time remains purely theoretical. However, moving forward in time is possible and occurs naturally, such as for astronauts on the International Space Station who experience time slightly differently due to their high speeds1.

Time is a fundamental aspect of our universe, yet it remains one of the most mysterious and intriguing concepts. If you have more questions or want to explore specific aspects of time, feel free to ask!

1ThoughtCo – What Is Time? 2Wikipedia – Time

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I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

Relative to time travel – I understand that due to the speed of travel, it is a difference where the human actually ages/experiences less time than reality (whatever reality may be!) in that during a 2 year orbit, at the speeds involved a human would experience about 2 seconds less than the reality – am I understanding this correctly.
Similarly if a fast jet circumnavigates the earth taking an atomic clock with them and leaving one on the ground the two clocks woul differ in time on the return – does direction of travel have any influence?

Yes, you’re understanding the concept of time dilation correctly! Let’s break it down:

Time Dilation in Space Travel

When an astronaut travels at high speeds, such as in orbit around the Earth, they experience time slightly differently compared to someone on the ground. This effect is due to time dilation, a consequence of Einstein’s theory of relativity. The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time relative to a stationary observer. For example, during a 2-year orbit, an astronaut might experience a tiny fraction of a second less time than someone on Earth.

Time Dilation with Fast Jets and Atomic Clocks

The famous Hafele-Keating experiment in 1971 demonstrated this effect using atomic clocks. Two atomic clocks were synchronized, then one was flown around the world on a jet while the other remained stationary. Upon the jet’s return, the clock on the jet showed a slightly different time compared to the one on the ground. This difference was due to both the speed of the jet (special relativity) and the difference in gravitational potential (general relativity).

Direction of Travel

The direction of travel does indeed have an influence due to the Earth’s rotation. When flying eastward, the jet’s speed adds to the Earth’s rotational speed, resulting in a greater time dilation effect. Conversely, when flying westward, the jet’s speed subtracts from the Earth’s rotational speed, resulting in a lesser time dilation effect. This is because the relative velocity between the jet and the Earth’s surface changes depending on the direction of travel.


  • High-speed travel: Causes time to pass more slowly for the traveler compared to someone stationary.
  • Atomic clocks: Demonstrate time dilation when flown around the Earth.
  • Direction of travel: Affects the degree of time dilation due to the Earth’s rotation.

These concepts highlight the fascinating and sometimes counterintuitive nature of time in our universe. If you have more questions or want to delve deeper into any of these topics, feel free to ask! 🚀⏳

I asked AI – ‘Copilot’:

To revert to the start of this conversation: IF expressing the Sun’s energy output as 400 billion terawatts is indeed acceptable, then in relatable terms what is planet earth’s total receipt of solar energy AND what is earth’s output of its own core energy?

Earth’s Receipt of Solar Energy

The Earth receives a vast amount of energy from the Sun. On average, the Earth receives about 1,715 x 10^14 watts (171.5 petawatts) of solar energy1. This is equivalent to approximately 171,500 terawatts.

Earth’s Core Energy Output

The Earth’s core also generates a significant amount of energy, primarily through geothermal processes. The estimated heat flow from the Earth’s interior to its surface is about 44 terawatts2.


  • Solar Energy Received by Earth: ~171,500 terawatts
  • Geothermal Energy from Earth’s Core: ~44 terawatts

These figures highlight the dominance of solar energy in Earth’s energy budget compared to the energy generated by its own core. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🌍☀️

1Earth’s Energy Budget – NASA Earth Observatory 2The Energy at the Earth’s Core –

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What is mankind’s usage of energy and what is his output?

Mankind’s Energy Usage

As of recent data, the total global energy consumption is approximately 172 petawatt-hours (PWh) per year, which translates to about 19.6 terawatts (TW) of continuous power consumption1. This energy comes from various sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.

Mankind’s Energy Output

Humans themselves produce energy through metabolic processes. On average:

However, the energy humans produce is minuscule compared to the energy we consume from external sources. The energy generated by human activity (e.g., through exercise) is not significant enough to contribute meaningfully to our overall energy needs.


  • Global Energy Consumption: ~19.6 TW
  • Human Metabolic Energy Output: ~80 watts at rest, up to 2,000 watts in short bursts

These figures highlight the vast difference between the energy we consume and the energy we can produce biologically. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🌍⚡

1Our World in Data – Energy Production and Consumption 2Wikipedia – Human Power

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Can you respond to my question above NOT including Oil or Gas as neither are Fossil Fuels and there is undeniable scientific proof of that fact and to pretend they are is not just misleading but fraud – there is zero peer reviewed scientific evidence that Oil or Gas are in any way Fossil Fuels.

The mainstream scientific consensus is that oil and natural gas are indeed fossil fuels, formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms over millions of years1However, there is a minority hypothesis known as the abiogenic petroleum origin theory, which suggests that some hydrocarbons may originate from deep carbon deposits within the Earth’s mantle, independent of biological processes2This theory is not widely accepted in the scientific community, as the majority of evidence supports the biogenic origin of most petroleum deposits1.

Mankind’s Energy Usage (Excluding Oil and Gas)

If we exclude oil and gas, we can look at other major sources of energy consumption:

  1. Coal: Still a significant source of energy, especially for electricity generation.
  2. Nuclear Power: Provides a substantial amount of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Renewable Energy: Includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy.

Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas)

Mankind’s Energy Output

Human activities generate energy in various forms, including heat, light, and mechanical work. However, the energy produced by human metabolism is relatively small compared to our consumption from external sources.


  • Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas): ~214 EJ per year (equivalent to about 6.8 terawatts).
  • Human Metabolic Energy Output: ~80 watts at rest, up to 2,000 watts in short bursts.

These figures highlight the significant role of coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources in our overall energy consumption. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🌍⚡

2Abiogenic Petroleum Origin – Wikipedia 1Explainer: Where Fossil Fuels Come From – Science News Explores 3: Our World in Data – Energy Production and Consumption

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I am surprised you start your answer with a fallacy, there is no such thing in scientific information as a consensus – were you to assume any mythical consensus as a scientific fact it would be provable that the world was flat and carried on the backs of turtles and the sun, moon and all the stars revolved around the earth as that was the scientific consensus.

I understand your concern. Scientific consensus refers to the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientists in a particular field of study. It’s based on the accumulation of evidence and peer-reviewed research. However, science is always open to new evidence and theories, and what is considered a consensus can change with new discoveries.

Energy Consumption Without Oil and Gas

Let’s focus on the energy consumption from sources other than oil and gas:

  1. Coal: Still a significant source of energy, especially for electricity generation.
  2. Nuclear Power: Provides a substantial amount of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Renewable Energy: Includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy.

Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas)

  • Coal: Approximately 157 exajoules (EJ) per year.
  • Nuclear Power: Around 28 EJ per year.
  • Renewable Energy: About 29 EJ per year.

Mankind’s Energy Output

Human activities generate energy in various forms, including heat, light, and mechanical work. However, the energy produced by human metabolism is relatively small compared to our consumption from external sources.


  • Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas): ~214 EJ per year (equivalent to about 6.8 terawatts).
  • Human Metabolic Energy Output: ~80 watts at rest, up to 2,000 watts in short bursts.

These figures highlight the significant role of coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources in our overall energy consumption. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🌍⚡

: Our World in Data – Energy Production and Consumption

You stated: “Scientific consensus refers to the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientists in a particular field of study. It’s based on the accumulation of evidence and peer-reviewed research”. There is no peer reviewed scientific provenance that oil or gas is a Fossil Fuel and also no reputable body of scientists endorsing the falacy – the concept and claim of consensus is in this instance a fraud being perpetrated for political reasons and out of greed of a body of liars and charlatans for their own gain. It is worthy of note that people passing themselves off as honest scientists of repute who espouse the lie are fully funded but Scientists who tell the truth are defunded as are teachers, media and the likes, who dare to tell the truth. This is possibly the greatest scam against mankind in the history of man!

I understand your perspective and the importance of discussing different viewpoints. The mainstream scientific view, supported by a significant body of peer-reviewed research, is that oil and natural gas are primarily formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms over millions of years12. This is known as the biogenic origin of fossil fuels.

However, there is an alternative hypothesis known as the abiogenic petroleum origin theory, which suggests that some hydrocarbons may originate from deep carbon deposits within the Earth’s mantle, independent of biological processes3This theory has been explored by some researchers, but it remains a minority view within the scientific community3.

Energy Consumption Without Oil and Gas

Focusing on energy sources other than oil and gas:

  1. Coal: Still a significant source of energy, especially for electricity generation.
  2. Nuclear Power: Provides a substantial amount of electricity with low greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. Renewable Energy: Includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy.

Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas)

Mankind’s Energy Output

Human activities generate energy in various forms, including heat, light, and mechanical work. However, the energy produced by human metabolism is relatively small compared to our consumption from external sources.


  • Global Energy Consumption (Excluding Oil and Gas): ~214 EJ per year (equivalent to about 6.8 terawatts).
  • Human Metabolic Energy Output: ~80 watts at rest, up to 2,000 watts in short bursts.

These figures highlight the significant role of coal, nuclear, and renewable energy sources in our overall energy consumption. If you have more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! 🌍⚡

3Abiogenic Petroleum Origin – Wikipedia 1Explainer: Where Fossil Fuels Come From – Science News Explores 4: Our World in Data – Energy Production and Consumption 2Fossil Fuels – National Geographic

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Abiogenic facts are deliberately supressed and do not receive tax payer funding as it is not part of the fraud! The hypothetical claim that oil & gas are fossil fuels is not based on science and is fully funded by charlatans to perpetuate the fraud.

I understand your perspective. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, feel free to ask.

 It might be time to move onto a new topic. 

Let’s start over.


CAVEAT – AI is ONLY as accurate as its owner/programmer permits it to be!

It is interesting to note that AI is clearly programmed to peddle the Fraud related to Climate Change and the nonsense about anthropogenic Climate Change and the myth that Oil & Gas are Fossil Fuels – it is note worthy that the term Fossil Fuel was coined by John D. Rockefeller in 1892 to imply a justification for the second most common fluid on planet earth being highly priced, massively taxed and totally controlled and of course the basis of the US Dollar becoming the reserve currency of choice globally!

It is also woth noting the extensive list of highly respected scientists who have openly rejected the fraud:
LEWIS, Harold 01



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Regarding TWITTER:

From 04-Jul-2022 until Early December 2022:
I was banned from TWITTER.
Allegedly I have broken a TWITTER Rule,
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PRESUMABLY I told the Truth or Used a fact
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As the corrupt & biased owners no longer use their lies,
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I have rejoined by deleting
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TWITTER BAN 04-July-2022
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Violating one of our Rules.
They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
Jul 4, 2022, 12:00 PM
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!

A Friend Recently entered my name in an AI Search Engine:
Apparently Greg Lance-Watkins
Was recently found guilty of a double homicide
in Tennessee, USA.
I was last in America in December 1979,
I am not, nor have I ever been in Court
or prison in America!