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Islamism is a different & both destructive and divisive culture destructive to British values & beliefs NOT a form of Multi Nationalism …


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Would that it was the Ballot Box
of an ethical, working democracy!
Not the idolatry of The Kaaba!


I welcome multiracism both in Britain and our world, having travelled to so very much of it starting out in Bristol & then living in Karachi, Bahrein & Switzerland and now, some 60 or 70 countries later, I see nothing but benefit in it BUT I totally reject the evils of Globalism and the vile frauds by which the corrupt seek to force it on us.


Be that the lies of Lockdown to frighten us into subservience & kill some 35,000,000 people, through neglect or as a direct result of untested, well not for safety, injections. 


Alternatively, the lies and duplicity of Climate Change, the fraud of pretending Oil is some sort of finite fossil fuel to make it justify high prices and huge taxes, despite it being our planet’s second most common fluid and with absolutely net zero connection with fossils of anything – The lunacy of exporting our jobs, just so that we can lie and pretend we use less coal!

As for the pretence we are in danger from CO2, which is a life giving gas on which ALL life depends, and which is at an optimum between 1,200 & 1,800 Parts Per Million – Just how stupid do they think we are when there are only about 400parts per Million or if you prefer 0.04% of our atmosphere is CO2 and of that mankind contributes 3.225%


I also utterly reject the invasion of our country by an invasion force seeking to force us into their barbaric, unmodernised, medieval and largely vile beliefs and practices surrounding the god they invented!

Yes, I welcome racial integration but multiculturalism is nothing short of unmitigated evil in a modern world.

May I suggest any and all who wish to radically alter our values, practices and beliefs – Our liberties, freedoms and rights are not welcome here.

IF you dislike Britain and refuse to respect and obey our laws, values, practices, dress and language YOU ARE WELCOME TO LEAVE – Please take Blair, Brown & Starmer with you, not to mention most of the others that have floated to the top in the septic tank of Politics, God Bothering & the Blob + their parasitic publicists and hangers on!

Nigel Farage comments worrying for Muslims, says community leader

Story by Aine Fox
General Election campaign 2024© PA Wire

Comments from Reform UK leader Nigel Farage about Muslims are “worrying”, a community leader said as she called for other political leaders to “step up” to address divisions.

Iman Atta, of the Tell Mama organisation which monitors Islamophobia in the UK, accused Mr Farage of “attacking and undermining Muslim communities” in an effort to get votes at the General Election on July 4.

Last month, Mr Farage said there are “a growing number of young people in this country who do not subscribe to British values, in fact loathe much of what we stand for”, when asked about Conservative plans to bring in national service for 18-year-olds.

Asked during that interview on Sky News if he was referring to Muslims, Mr Farage said: “We are.”

He obviously keeps on attacking and undermining Muslim communities… it’s actually quite worrying for us to see that, especially at a time when our country needs leadership that will bring communities together, not divide them further

Iman Atta, Tell Mama

Ms Atta said that, while his comments were “disgraceful”, they are “nothing new”, referring to other remarks he has made within the past decade.

Speaking in 2017, in the wake of the Westminster terror attack, Mr Farage told a US television network: “The problem with multiculturalism is that it leads to divided communities. It’s quite different to multiracialism. That’s fine, that can work very happily and extremely well. But we’ve finished up with very divided communities.

  • Who is Reform's Nigel Farage, and what does he stand for?
    Reuters/ReutersWho is Reform’s Nigel Farage, and what does he stand for?
  • Nigel Farage: Extremely unlikely that I will join the Conservatives
    GB News/GB NewsNigel Farage: Extremely unlikely that I will join the Conservatives
  • Farage: There's a breakdown of trust in politics
    DailymotionFarage: There’s a breakdown of trust in politics
“I’m sorry to say that we have now a fifth column living inside these European countries.”

Ms Atta, referring to the “fifth column” remark, said: “He obviously keeps on attacking and undermining Muslim communities in any way that he can find in order to be able to attract more votes and spread more polarisation among communities.

“It’s actually quite worrying for us to see that, especially at a time when our country needs leadership that will bring communities together, not divide them further.”

I think it’s a time that we need to see better leadership step up

Iman Atta, Tell Mama

The Reform manifesto – which it has dubbed a “contract” – stated that: “Multiculturalism has imported separate communities that reject our way of life.”

Ms Atta said now is the time for “leadership that is calling out hatred and division, that is promoting integrity, that is addressing really what brings our communities together in a challenging time across the world.”

She added: “I think it’s a time that we need to see better leadership step up.”

Tell Mama has published its Manifesto Against Hate, with key proposals for the next government including the appointment of a Hate Crime Tsar to prioritise and oversee hate crime initiatives; more ministerial engagement with local communities “to foster inclusivity and reduce social divisions”; and boards to be established at local, regional, and national levels to promote dialogue and collaboration between Muslim and Jewish communities.

She said the relationships between the two communities, in the wake of the October 7 attacks and subsequent Israel-Gaza conflict, have suffered “quite a fracture” which will “take years to repair”.

She added: “I think what has happened is communities on all sides have just forgotten about the basic elements of understanding, empathy and listening.

“There has been a lack of empathy on both sides. A lack of care that emotions are running high. There has been a lot of abuse online towards both Muslim and Jewish communities, but also offline.”

Regarding voters going to the polls next month, she said some Muslims feel that engagement with a new government, “whoever that government is, is key in order to be able to lobby and change the dynamics of how we speak about the war but equally how we address the issues that are arising (in communities in the UK) off the back of the war in Israel and Gaza”.

The Conservative manifesto says abuse or discrimination based on religion “is unacceptable” and added that the party does “not tolerate anti-Muslim hatred and will seek to stamp it out wherever it occurs”.

Labour has pledged “reverse the Conservatives’ decision to downgrade the monitoring of antisemitic and Islamophobic hate”

To view the original article CLICK HERE

It is very clear that not only is Nigel Farage correct but so also is Zia Yusuf or Richi Sunak, both featured below.

Firstly, I believe that although Nigel Farage is considered to be ethnically British, you will find his surname name is most likely of French Hugenot origin though I understand his paternal ancestry originated from Germany, towards the end of the 1800s.

It is entirely reasonable to be deeply concerned regarding the huge damage done to Britain by the massive invasion of islamists into Britain since the efforts of Blair and subsequently Brown to import islamists as reliable marxist/socialist Labour voters.

May I suggest study the exceedingly dangerous ideology laid out and presented at Leeds in 2022 by Brown & Starmer and subsequently hidden in plain sight – Clearly they took the advice of the British Communist leader Harry Pollett when in a speech at Oxford and also other Universities, headvocated that marxist/socialist cult followers would be well advised to fein a disinterest in political ideology and spending time leafleting etc and concentrating on getting good quality degrees, suited to administration and admin and embed themselves in such occupations as The Civil Service, Banking, Law and the like and rise to positions of control.

We now see, all; too well, the wisdom of his advice, duplicitous as it was!

Britain is now controlled by that very blob Harry Pollett advised students to build – the life blood and calibre of our democracy and values is not just under attack – it is likely doomed! 

The invading and oft times militant masses who have come as a result of Blair & Mandelson’s betrayal of Britain now amounts to some 6.3Million Muslims – all too large a proportion of whom are islamists who do not fail, but refuse to integrate and can be seen in the streets wearing the idealogical dress of their islamic cults!

I pluralise cult as if you will look closely you will note the great disparity between the barbaric cults of islam! The farcical claims of Hamas that their cult are Abrahamic muslims when the basis of their cult is the most heinous of evil, advocating and practicing rape, gang rape and the murder of their victims – Just as 10s, maybe even 100s of 1,000s of islamists were murdered wholesale by ISIS and yet another faction are currently slaughtering Yemeni women, children and the unarmed bombing and destroying the beautiful ancient architecture in Yemen – just as have the Pashtoons & Patans of Pakistan’s North West Frontier (Sadique Khan’s origins – Little wonder 600,000 Londoners have left London during his mayoralty and some 1.3M invaders have arrived – Be minded it is his tribe that form the Taliban!)

You may recall William the Bastard, when he invaded and conquered Britain from Normandy, won with an invasion force of 5,000!

Individuals like Zia Yusuf an openly declared Muslim and Rishi Sunak have, like the Farage family integrated, caste off their desert costumes and set too concentrating on exploiting the educational opportunities Britain offered – the very opportunities Labour aim to tax in an act of bitter jealousy, that will hugely damage the public education sector due to the influx of 1,000s of private school pupils bound to flood in as Labour destroys the Private sector!

How long before every school will by law have islamist governors and Mullahs conducting prayer sessions in designated areas of the schools. How long before the islamists insist on denial of free speech – commencing with blasphemy laws and criminalisation of criticising or discussing islamism! Then it is a short move to apostasy laws, halal, misogyny and the full range of hatred and control as laid out in the brutal text of the quran and the many hadiths and extreme interpretations.

How long before girls are denied an education, women are not allowed to work and islamist men can draw the full benefits on each of their wives and daughters over age of consent, which will be as young as 8 or 9!

Already when Kier Starmer was befouling the Public Prosecuter’s Domain we saw institutionalised reluctance to investigate and prosecute some 50 different sizeable, largely Pakistani islamist, rape gangs, grooming and preying on under age indigenous girls!

You may develop a better understanding of the invasion and the dangers that WILL hit us head-on, in a very short space of time – do read CLICK HERE 

Muslim entrepreneur gives Reform biggest donation of campaign

Story by Gordon Rayner
Zia Yusuf co-founded luxury concierge app Velocity Black before selling it for £233 million – Andrew Baker for The Telegraph© Provided by The Telegraph

A Muslim entrepreneur has donated hundreds of thousands of pounds to Reform UK, saying migrants who came to Britain legally are dismayed that “we have lost control of our borders”.

Zia Yusuf, who co-founded the luxury concierge app Velocity Black before selling it last year for £233 million, believes Nigel Farage alone has the policies to heal the “broken” country.

Mr Yusuf’s donation to Reform, the biggest of the election campaign so far, is a major coup for a party which faces regular accusations of racism from its critics.

It is also a blow to the Conservatives, as the entrepreneur is a former member of the Tory Party but now thinks they are unable to make the “hard decisions”.

The 37-year-old, whose parents came to Britain from Sri Lanka in the 1980s and forged careers in the NHS, said the “vast majority of Muslims” in the country are patriots who believe net migration is too high.

He told The Telegraph: “My parents came here legally. When I talk to my friends they are as affronted as anyone by illegal Channel crossings, which are an affront to all hard-working British people but not least the migrants who played by the rules and came legally.

“I think Britain can be an amazing country, it’s the country of Dyson and DeepMind, but we have completely lost control of our borders, that is just factually correct.”

Mr Yusuf claimed net migration was at 50,000 when his parents arrived in Britain, which made assimilation easier. 

“Last year it was 650,000 and that’s causing the NHS to buckle under pressure, despite us spending more than we have ever spent on it. We are also not building enough homes to cope with the growing population.”

Mr Yusuf, who is single and lives in Surrey, is still deciding what he wants to do next after selling his business – Andrew Baker for The Telegraph© Provided by The Telegraph

Mr Yusuf was born in Scotland and when his parents moved to the south of England he won a 50 per cent scholarship to attend the fee-paying Hampton School in Middlesex.

After working for the investment bank Goldman Sachs, he took a gamble by quitting his high-paid job to set up a business with old school friend Alex Macdonald.

He says they worked seven days a week, without holidays, for years to build Velocity Black, an invitation-only travel and events app for the rich and famous. 

With pop stars Rita Ora and Ellie Goulding among clients, the company does everything from booking flights to securing Wimbledon Centre Court tickets. 

Last year Mr Yusuf and Mr Macdonald sold the business to Capital One, the American credit card and banking giant, netting more than £30 million each for their shares in the business.

Parallels with Sunak

Mr Yusuf’s life story has distinct parallels with another son of migrants with roots in the Indian subcontinent: Rishi Sunak. 

Both have parents who came to Britain and worked in the health service, both went to top private schools thanks to sacrifices made by their parents, both worked for Goldman Sachs and both left to set up their own businesses.

It is no wonder that Mr Yusuf became a member of the Conservative Party, but he now feels completely let down by Mr Sunak and his team.

He believes the Prime Minister has failed to show the sort of leadership that the country needs, and does not think Sir Keir Starmer will be able to do so either.

“I have paid millions in taxes, created hundreds of jobs,” he said. “I know how important it is to make hard decisions in a timely fashion and that’s not what I see from the Conservatives.

“These are incredibly challenging times and whether it’s house prices or rental prices or the NHS, we need courageous, bold politicians who are able to confront these problems and look them in the eye, and Nigel Farage and Richard Tice are the only ones prepared to talk about this.”

‘I love Britain and I’m a patriot’

Mr Yusuf, who is single and lives in Surrey, is still deciding what he wants to do next in life after selling his business, but is passionate about the need to defend and promote British values across all parts of society.

He said: “I love Britain and I’m a patriot, a British Muslim patriot, which I believe the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are.

“I was profoundly moved by the D-Day commemorations and I’m hugely grateful for the people who laid down their lives – hundreds of thousands of whom were Muslims. 

“British values are worth defending and I find it concerning how few people are prepared to defend them.

“Equality under the law, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, love of the family, hard work, complaining about the weather – these are British values and they are incredibly important to me and my Muslim friends.”

Farage ‘wants best for Britain’

He has no time for people who dismiss Reform’s policies as racist.

“I am a businessman, an entrepreneur, and I have come across racism and Islamophobia so I know what it looks like,” he said.

“Having spent time with Nigel Farage it’s clear to me that he wants the best for Britain and its people, no matter their religion or skin colour.

“No one is more aware than I am of the contribution immigrants can make. My parents came here 40 years ago and they travelled all over the country to find work and advance their careers.”

Mr Farage said: “I met Zia many years ago and know how devoted to this country he is. Aside from his generosity, he will be a great asset and media performer during this campaign and beyond.”

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE



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They sexualise children as young as 5 at school. But #Prince_Andrew paid £12M for NOT having intercourse with a minor &; #Ghislaine got 20yrs. but not a single #Epstein client has been charged, let alone prosecuted!
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Every part of the Tweet is a provable FACT,
the truth seems not to have been popular –
Let us hope Elon Musk’s ownership will lead to greater integrity on Twitter!

A Friend Recently entered my name in an AI Search Engine:
Apparently Greg Lance-Watkins
Was recently found guilty of a double homicide
in Tennessee, USA.
I was last in America in December 1979,
I am not, nor have I ever been in Court
or prison in America!